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The Green AI Transformation Revolutionizing Data Centres

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The Eco-friendly AI Revolution Reshaping Data Centres

Eco-friendly AI revolution reshaping data centres

Brief Overview

  • Data centres utilize 1% of the world’s energy, equivalent to that of the UK or France.
  • AI integration is propelling an extraordinary surge in data requirements.
  • Eco-friendly AI is revolutionising the way data centres handle energy use and lower carbon emissions.
  • AI technologies can enhance data centre placement, cooling methods, and resource allocation.
  • AI-driven predictive maintenance assists in averting energy inefficiencies and costly equipment malfunctions.
  • Computing from cloud to edge is essential for boosting energy efficiency and aiding in achieving a net-zero future.

The Increasing Energy Requirements of Data Centres

Data centres have matured from background IT functions to the essential framework of the global digital marketplace. By powering corporate activities and fostering advanced technologies, their significance in everyday life is undeniable. Nevertheless, this rising importance has its downsides—namely, the escalating energy requirements of these operations.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) states that data centres account for 1% of worldwide energy consumption, placing them alongside entire countries like the United Kingdom and France. Additionally, Schneider Electric indicates that energy needs from data centres might increase fourfold by the mid-21st century.

Data Surge Driven by AI

The volume of data created, captured, and processed across the globe has surged dramatically in the past ten years. Back in 2010, there were merely 2 petabytes of data in circulation. Today, that number has ballooned to about 150 petabytes, with AI being a crucial catalyst. AI applications are inherently intensive in both data and energy consumption.

In spite of the massive uptick in data processing, carbon emissions from data centres have remained relatively stable. This stability can be attributed to advancements in energy efficiency led by the same AI technologies that are increasing their workload.

The Contribution of AI to Energy Efficiency and Emission Reduction

With the escalation of data and processing demands, data centre operators are increasingly relying on AI to effectively manage energy usage. AI tools enable operators to refine energy consumption, predict and resolve equipment failures, and enhance overall data centre performance.

Enhancing Data Centre Locations

AI assists in boosting energy efficiency by optimally positioning data centres. Cooling systems, which constitute over half of operational costs in a data centre, present a substantial energy drain. AI aids operators in selecting locations that offer natural cooling advantages, such as favorable climates or accessibility to renewable energy sources, thereby minimizing expenses.

Proactive Maintenance and Resource Allocation

AI is pivotal for proactive maintenance. By scrutinizing data from sensors and machinery, AI can identify potential problems before they escalate into severe failures, which would otherwise increase energy consumption and incur high repair costs. This leads to reduced downtime and keeps energy usage under control.

Furthermore, AI can enhance resource management by dynamically redistributing workloads across the data centre’s infrastructure. This guarantees efficient energy usage and prevents overloading any component while others sit idly.

Eco-friendly AI: A Sustainable AI Approach

The rise of AI models has ushered in a focus on “Eco-friendly AI,” which emphasizes energy efficiency and sustainability while maintaining performance. Eco-friendly AI algorithms are crafted to be environmentally conscious by minimizing data processing needs and energy usage.

Streamlined Algorithms and Model Efficiency

Achieving Eco-friendly AI can be approached in several ways. Simplifying algorithms and employing techniques such as quantisation and knowledge distillation can lower the complexities of machine learning models. This, in turn, decreases the computational resources necessary for training and deploying these models. Additionally, breaking down models into smaller, more efficient components with fewer characteristics can reduce their energy footprint.

Strategic Data Centre Sites for Eco-friendly AI

An essential tactic for attaining Eco-friendly AI is the purposeful selection of data centre locations. Tasks that are not sensitive to latency, like extensive machine learning model training, can be executed in areas that are more resource-efficient or have access to renewable energy. This can significantly diminish the carbon footprint associated with AI initiatives.

Cloud-to-Edge Computing: A Route to Net-Zero

Cloud-to-edge computing is emerging as another powerful trend that assists data centres and industries in lowering their carbon footprints. By processing data nearer to its source—at the “edge”—sectors such as transportation, manufacturing, and energy production can make quicker, more informed choices, whilst also reducing energy required for data transfer and storage.

Edge devices such as smartphones, smart home products, and even electric vehicles can utilize AI for real-time decision-making that contributes to a net-zero future. For instance, vehicles can adjust their power consumption based on driving situations, while smart homes can optimize energy use by modifying lighting and heating according to user habits.


The emergence of AI is elevating data centres to unprecedented levels in terms of data processing capabilities and energy requirements. Nevertheless, through innovations such as Eco-friendly AI and cloud-to-edge computing, the sector is tackling these challenges with intelligent, sustainable solutions. AI is not merely a catalyst for data centre expansion; it is also a vital instrument for ensuring that this growth is environmentally sustainable.

Q: What is Eco-friendly AI?


Eco-friendly AI pertains to artificial intelligence technologies designed with an emphasis on energy efficiency and sustainability. This involves optimizing algorithms and implementing AI models in ways that decrease energy consumption without compromising performance.

Q: How much energy do data centres consume worldwide?


Currently, data centres consume around 1% of global energy, which exceeds the energy usage of the UK and is similar to that of France. This figure is projected to rise substantially as data needs continue to expand, particularly with the growing acceptance of AI.

Q: How does AI assist in enhancing data centre efficiency?


AI improves data centre operations by optimizing energy use, forecasting equipment failures, and managing resources dynamically. This leads to decreased overall energy consumption and operational expenses, while also lessening carbon emissions.

Q: What is the role of proactive maintenance in energy efficiency?


Proactive maintenance employs AI to continuously monitor data centre systems, allowing operators to tackle potential issues before they result in equipment failures. This minimizes energy waste and avoids costly repairs, thereby enhancing overall efficiency.

Q: Why is location significant for data centre energy efficiency?


Selecting an appropriate location for a data centre is vital for energy efficiency. AI assists operators in pinpointing sites where cooling expenses can be lowered, such as in cooler regions or areas with abundant renewable energy sources.

Q: How does cloud-to-edge computing aid sustainability?


Cloud-to-edge computing enables data to be processed closer to its origin, which diminishes the need for energy-intensive data transfer and storage. This method supports industries in making quicker decisions while minimizing their energy consumption, aligning with net-zero emissions objectives.

Q: What are key strategies for achieving Eco-friendly AI?


Key strategies for attaining Eco-friendly AI include simplifying algorithms, applying methods like quantisation and knowledge distillation, and choosing data centre locations that can capitalize on renewable energy or natural cooling effects.

Q: How will AI influence the future of data centres?


AI will continue to play a transformative role in data centres by enhancing energy management efficiencies, automating maintenance tasks, and paving the way for the development of greener, more sustainable AI frameworks. This will help mitigate the ecological consequences of the rising demand for data processing.

AFP discreetly modified encrypted platform updates to obtain hidden access.

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AFP Dismantles Encrypted Platform “Ghost” Used by Criminal Organizations

Quick Summary

  • The Australian Federal Police (AFP) accessed an encrypted communications tool named Ghost.
  • Ghost was utilized by criminals for unlawful operations, including drug trade, money laundering, and acts of violence.
  • AFP altered software updates to gain access to communications on devices located solely within Australia.
  • A total of 376 active Ghost devices were identified, and 50 offenders from Australia face severe legal consequences.
  • This initiative follows various international operations such as AN0M, EncroChat, and Sky Global.
  • An international task force led by the FBI and French Gendarmerie aided in this operation.
  • Further arrests, both domestically and internationally, are anticipated in the days ahead.

The Ghost Takeover: A Significant Strike Against Criminal Organizations

AFP altered software updates of encrypted platform for covert access

AFP officers conduct an arrest. (Image credit: Australian Federal Police)

On Wednesday, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) disclosed its involvement in dismantling Ghost, an encrypted communication platform purportedly utilized by criminals around the globe. The service, operating for nine years, provided secure communication capabilities mainly via modified smartphones, costing $2350 for a six-month subscription.

The platform’s developer, a 32-year-old from Narwee, Sydney, has been arrested and faces multiple charges. The investigations commenced in 2022, initiated by international entities, with the AFP collaborating with a global task force known as OTF NEXT, led by the FBI and the French Gendarmerie. The AFP also initiated its domestic operation, Operation Kraken, focusing on Australian users and the alleged Australian creator behind the platform.

Operation Kraken: How the AFP Achieved Infiltration

Operation Kraken, an undercover investigation by the AFP, played a critical role in the takedown of Ghost. The AFP disclosed that they managed to breach the platform by altering software updates routinely disseminated by Ghost’s administrators.

“The administrators frequently issued software updates, similar to those necessary for standard mobile phones,” explained the AFP. By adjusting these updates, the AFP obtained access to communications on devices within Australia, enabling them to quietly monitor criminal conduct without raising alarms among users.

At the time of the announcement, 376 smartphones equipped with Ghost software were in use. In the following 48 hours, approximately 700 AFP officers were assigned to execute warrants and make arrests based on intelligence gained from intercepted communications. Up to 50 Australian offenders are now facing serious allegations, which include drug trafficking, money laundering, and orchestrating killings.

International Collaboration: OTF NEXT and Global Efforts

The Ghost takedown is a product of significant international collaboration. Led by OTF NEXT, an international task force consisting of the FBI and French Gendarmerie, the operation brought together several countries in the fight against organized crime. The AFP’s access to communications via the Ghost platform supplied critical intelligence for both domestic and global law enforcement agencies.

Similar international operations have targeted other encrypted services, including AN0M (an earlier AFP-FBI sting in 2021), EncroChat, Sky Global, and Phantom Secure. These platforms were frequently leveraged by criminals who believed that their communications were secure and beyond the scope of investigative agencies.

Consequences of the Ghost Takedown

The dismantling of Ghost is emerging as one of the largest law enforcement operations of its kind since the AN0M sting two years prior. AFP Deputy Commissioner for Crime, Ian McCartney, underscored the importance of disassembling such encrypted systems. “Dismantling dedicated encrypted communications devices requires substantial skill,” McCartney remarked. “But the ultimate goal is always to infiltrate criminal platforms to gather evidence – and this is where the AFP excels on a global scale.”

The intelligence acquired from Ghost has already shown to be lifesaving. The AFP, working alongside state partners, has managed to prevent the death or severe injury of 50 individuals in Australia. Furthermore, law enforcement agencies worldwide continue to collaborate, anticipating more arrests soon.

Resellers and Custom Smartphones: The Tools for Criminal Operations

Ghost was more than just a software application; it depended on a network of resellers distributing specialized handsets to criminals across the world. These modified smartphones were pre-installed with Ghost, enabling users to access secure communication methods. The AFP noted that this reseller network was pivotal in providing these devices to criminals involved in unlawful activities.

While authorities in various regions have also gained access to Ghost communications, it’s uncertain if they employed the same strategies as the AFP or different approaches altogether. Colonel Florian Manet, leading the national cyber command technical department of France’s Home Affairs Ministry, mentioned that a “technical solution” was devised over several years, enabling law enforcement to access Ghost communications.


The AFP’s successful removal of Ghost highlights the advancing capabilities of law enforcement in addressing the use of encrypted communication platforms by organized crime. Through a blend of international cooperation and technical proficiency, the AFP modified software updates to breach the platform, resulting in numerous arrests both in Australia and abroad. With additional arrests anticipated, this operation signifies a substantial success in the ongoing fight against criminal organizations using encrypted messaging to evade detection.

Commonly Asked Questions

Q: What is Ghost, and how did criminals use it?


Ghost is an encrypted communication platform that was allegedly exploited by criminals for illegal undertakings such as drug trafficking, money laundering, and orchestrating killings. It operated through specialized devices sold by a reseller network, facilitating secure messaging.

Q: How did the AFP access the Ghost platform?


The AFP altered ordinary software updates dispatched by Ghost’s administrators. These modified updates permitted the AFP to secretly monitor communications on devices located in Australia, granting them vital intelligence.

Q: How many devices were utilizing Ghost, and how many arrests were made?


At the time of the announcement, 376 smartphones running Ghost were active. The AFP is executing warrants, and as many as 50 alleged offenders in Australia could face serious charges. Anticipation for further arrests, both domestically and abroad, is growing.

Q: What previous operations are similar to the Ghost takedown?


The Ghost operation follows earlier initiatives to dismantle various encrypted platforms, including AN0M (a joint sting involving the AFP and FBI in 2021), EncroChat, Sky Global, and Phantom Secure. These platforms were also utilized by criminals for secure communications.

Q: What is OTF NEXT, and how did it contribute to the takedown?


OTF NEXT is an international task force led by the FBI and French Gendarmerie. It was formed to target Ghost and comparable encrypted communication platforms used by organized crime. The AFP played an essential role in this task force, contributing to the overall success of the operation.

Q: What impact did the operation have on curbing criminal activity?


Intelligence garnered through Ghost enabled the AFP and its state partners to avert the death or serious injury of 50 individuals in Australia. It also resulted in the disruption of a drug syndicate and numerous arrests.

Q: What role did resellers play in the Ghost operation?


Ghost depended on a network of resellers to supply modified smartphones to criminals. These devices were pre-installed with the Ghost application, allowing users to utilize its secure communication features.

US Government Provides Intel with Multi-Billion Dollar Support

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Intel Receives Multi-Billion Dollar Funding from US Government for Microelectronics Advancement

The Biden Administration has granted Intel up to US$3 billion (AU$4.44 billion) through the CHIPS and Science Act to propel a key initiative focused on establishing a “Secure Enclave” for microelectronics. This effort is vital for the security of components utilized in various defence systems and national security products. The agreement not only reinforces the US semiconductor sector but also underscores the increasing significance of microelectronics in preserving national security.

US Government funds Intel billions for microelectronics initiative

Quick Overview

  • Intel receives up to AU$4.44 billion from the US Government under the CHIPS and Science Act.
  • Funding will facilitate the development of a “Secure Enclave” for microelectronics, essential for national defence systems.
  • Shares of Intel surged by 5.7% after the announcement.
  • This award supports the Biden Administration’s efforts to boost US semiconductor production.
  • Negotiations are ongoing for additional funding to help Intel with commercial fabrication facilities under the CHIPS Notice of Funding Award (NOFO) 1.
  • Intel has previously collaborated with the Department of Defense on several prominent contracts to enhance advanced semiconductor manufacturing.

The CHIPS and Science Act: A Support System for US Semiconductor Manufacturing

The funds allocated to Intel are part of the extensive CHIPS and Science Act, a US$52 billion program intended to rejuvenate domestic semiconductor manufacturing and lessen dependence on foreign suppliers. Signed into law by President Biden in 2022, this act strives to secure a reliable supply of advanced semiconductors, imperative for various sectors including defence, computing, and telecommunications.

With this investment, Intel will prioritize the creation of innovative microelectronics within a “Secure Enclave” paradigm. This initiative is crucial for shielding sensitive technologies utilized in national security products, like advanced weapon systems and classified defence programs. By relocating semiconductor production to the United States, the Biden Administration aims to alleviate risks associated with global supply chain interruptions.

Significance of the “Secure Enclave”

The “Secure Enclave” initiative is about more than just domestic microelectronics production. It focuses on establishing a safe and resilient infrastructure for essential defence technologies. The Department of Defense (DoD) has long been vigilant regarding the integrity of its supply chains, particularly concerning microelectronics, which are vital in contemporary warfare.

Intel’s involvement in this venture is to guarantee that the US military and other national security entities have access to customized, top-notch, and highly secure microelectronics. The “Secure Enclave” will work to safeguard sensitive information and technologies from potential foreign disruptions and cyber threats.

Strengthening Intel’s Relationship with the Department of Defense

This collaboration is not Intel’s inaugural partnership with the DoD. In fact, Intel has previously engaged with the US Government on multiple initiatives to strengthen the domestic semiconductor arena. In 2020, Intel secured a contract to develop advanced semiconductors for military purposes. By 2021, the company became involved in the Rapid Assured Microelectronics Prototypes – Commercial (RAMP-C) program, which aimed to furnish the DoD with state-of-the-art commercial foundry services.

These partnerships highlight Intel’s strategic relevance to US national security and its escalating role within the global semiconductor landscape.

The US Government’s Approach to Repatriating Semiconductor Manufacturing

The Biden Administration’s choice to heavily invest in Intel is in line with its broader objective of re-shoring semiconductor production and diminishing reliance on foreign manufacturers. The worldwide semiconductor scarcity, worsened by the COVID-19 crisis and geopolitical tensions, has brought attention to the fragility of supply chains. Consequently, the US Government has prioritized domestic semiconductor manufacturing investments to ensure the nation retains a technological advantage over international rivals.

A key component of this strategy is to guarantee the supply of semiconductors for essential industries, including defence, telecommunications, and healthcare. By partnering with companies like Intel, the US seeks to spearhead the next wave of semiconductor innovation, ensuring a consistent supply of chips for both commercial and military uses.

Intel’s Stock Surge Following the Announcement

In the wake of the US$3 billion funding announcement, Intel’s stock climbed by 5.7%, indicating investor optimism regarding the company’s trajectory in advanced manufacturing. This uplift reflects trust in Intel’s capacity to maintain its leadership in semiconductor innovation, notably in domains critical to national security and defence.

Further Funding Prospects for Intel

Besides the US$3 billion received under the CHIPS and Science Act, the US Department of Commerce is currently in discussions for an additional potential grant for Intel under the CHIPS Notice of Funding Award (NOFO) 1. This prospective funding would aid in expanding Intel’s commercial fabrication facilities. While specifics are yet to be finalized, this agreement could further entrench Intel’s position as a frontrunner in semiconductor manufacturing.


The Biden Administration’s US$3 billion investment in Intel is part of a comprehensive strategy to secure the domestic semiconductor supply chain and enhance national security. The “Secure Enclave” initiative will provide a reliable stream of advanced microelectronics for defence systems and critical technologies. Intel’s stock rose following the announcement, reflecting investor faith in the company’s future growth. With potential additional funding opportunities on the horizon, Intel’s influence in the US semiconductor sector is poised to expand significantly.

Q: What is the CHIPS and Science Act?


The CHIPS and Science Act represents a US$52 billion initiative designed to enhance domestic semiconductor manufacturing and lessen dependence on foreign producers. It plays a crucial role in the Biden Administration’s strategy to fortify national security and ensure a consistent supply of microelectronics for vital industries.

Q: What does the “Secure Enclave” project entail?


The “Secure Enclave” project is a US Government initiative aimed at guaranteeing the secure production of microelectronics essential for defence and national security applications. It seeks to protect sensitive technologies from foreign interference and cyber threats.

Q: Why is the US Government’s investment in Intel significant?


The US Government’s investment in Intel forms part of a larger strategy to re-establish semiconductor manufacturing domestically and ensure the availability of essential microelectronics. Intel’s long-standing collaboration with the Department of Defense and its leadership position in semiconductor manufacturing makes it a critical ally in this effort.

Q: What advantages does Intel gain from this announcement?


Following the announcement of the US$3 billion funding, Intel experienced a 5.7% increase in its stock. The company is also positioned to obtain further funding under the CHIPS Notice of Funding Award (NOFO) 1, potentially facilitating the expansion of its commercial fabrication capabilities.

Q: What implications does this investment have for the semiconductor industry?


This investment is anticipated to strengthen the US semiconductor industry by enhancing domestic production capabilities and decreasing reliance on foreign sources. It could also catalyze innovation in microelectronics, especially in critical areas related to national security, defence, and telecommunications.

Q: How does Intel contribute to US national security?


Intel has a rich history of collaboration with the US Department of Defense on initiatives aimed at advancing semiconductor technology for military applications. The “Secure Enclave” project will further bolster Intel’s role in ensuring the security and resilience of essential defence technologies.

CBA Utilizes AWS EC2 P5 Instances to Enhance AI Development

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Commonwealth Bank Leverages AWS EC2 P5 Instances to Enhance AI Development

In a pivotal decision to expedite its artificial intelligence (AI) efforts, Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) has emerged as the inaugural local client to utilize Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 P5 instances in the Sydney area. The bank’s objective is to capitalize on the capabilities of these instances to expand its AI factory, dedicated to exploring generative AI technologies and speeding up AI innovation.

CBA utilizes AWS P5 instances to boost AI development

Quick Overview

  • CBA is the pioneering local AWS client to implement EC2 P5 instances in the Sydney region.
  • These instances utilize NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs, specifically designed for AI and deep learning applications.
  • CBA’s ‘AI factory’ facilitates expedited and secure experimentation with generative AI technologies.
  • The AI factory combined with EC2 P5 instances empowers CBA to deliver more personalized and contextualized customer interactions on a larger scale.
  • Amazon SageMaker is also integrated within the AI factory, offering a managed service for machine learning development.
  • CBA aims to quadruple its pace of AI development, improving customer experience and optimizing operations.

What are AWS EC2 P5 Instances?

Amazon EC2 P5 instances are tailored specifically for high-performance computing (HPC) and AI applications. These instances rely on NVIDIA’s H100 Tensor Core GPUs, regarded as some of the most cutting-edge GPUs available for deep learning, generative AI, and other compute-heavy tasks. Utilizing these instances enables businesses to greatly expedite the training and refinement of large language models (LLMs) and other AI algorithms, thus shortening development cycles and enhancing overall productivity.

CBA’s Visionary AI Factory Initiative

CBA has consistently demonstrated its dedication to infusing artificial intelligence into its operations. The AI factory, fueled by the newly adopted AWS EC2 P5 instances, signifies a major advancement in the bank’s AI capabilities. This initiative will enable CBA personnel to create, test, and implement AI applications swiftly and securely. It also facilitates the fine-tuning of AI models, essential for enhancing the precision and efficacy of generative AI technologies.

In conjunction with the AI factory, CBA debuted the CommBank Studio last year, which has already supported the creation of over 50 generative AI use cases. These efforts aim to improve customer experiences and streamline banking functions through the application of AI for hyper-personalized services.

How AWS EC2 P5 Instances Amplify AI Capacities

By adopting AWS EC2 P5 instances, CBA can now execute and train machine learning models at unmatched speeds. The bank’s Chief Data and Analytics Officer, Dr Andrew McMullan, noted that the new infrastructure will enable a four-fold enhancement in the speed of AI development. This transformation serves as a pivotal change for the bank, allowing it to swiftly address customer requirements while simplifying internal banking processes.

Furthermore, the incorporation of Amazon SageMaker, a managed machine learning service, complements the EC2 P5 instances by offering a consolidated platform for constructing, training, and deploying machine learning models. SageMaker simplifies the process for AI engineers and scientists at CBA to experiment with new concepts, iterate more rapidly, and effectively implement AI solutions.

A Strategic Shift Towards AI-Driven Banking

AI has been a focal point for CBA for years. The bank has been integrating itself with diverse AI ecosystems to achieve its ambition of becoming an AI-enhanced bank. By utilizing the latest innovations, such as the NVIDIA H100 GPUs in AWS EC2 P5 instances, CBA is setting the stage to deliver more personalized and contextually aware services to its clientele on a large scale.

The bank’s AI aspirations are also in harmony with a wider trend in the financial services sector, where institutions are increasingly harnessing AI to automate processes, decrease operational expenses, and enhance customer interaction. As advancements in AI technology persist, CBA is ensuring that it maintains the essential infrastructure to stay ahead and fulfill the evolving demands of its customers.

Rising Popularity of AI Factories

Interestingly, CBA is not the only prominent Australian organization to embrace an AI factory model. Seven West Media recently unveiled its own AI factory project in partnership with Databricks, highlighting the growing tendency for businesses to formalize their AI development procedures. The factory model—previously utilized by financial institutions for cloud integration—enables organizations to accelerate AI adoption through the use of repeatable frameworks and procedures, facilitating the scaling of AI solutions across numerous functions.

What Lies Ahead for CBA?

With the AI factory now functioning, CBA intends to implement more AI-enhanced initiatives shortly. The bank is concentrating on harnessing AI to elevate customer experiences, simplify core banking functions, and ultimately establish the bank of the future. By committing to cutting-edge technologies and nurturing a culture of innovation, CBA is positioned to maintain its leadership role in the financial services sector.


Commonwealth Bank is achieving noteworthy progress in AI development by utilizing AWS EC2 P5 instances, driven by NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs. These advanced compute instances play a crucial role in CBA’s AI factory, allowing the bank to conduct safe experiments with generative AI technologies and significantly accelerate AI model development. With a commitment to providing hyper-personalized customer service and streamlining operations, CBA is reinforcing its status as a frontrunner in AI-enabled banking.


Q: What are the primary advantages of AWS EC2 P5 instances for CBA?


The AWS EC2 P5 instances, equipped with NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs, deliver substantial computational power, allowing CBA to speed up the training and fine-tuning of AI models. This results in quicker AI development cycles, enhanced customer experiences, and more streamlined banking operations.

Q: How does the AI factory bolster CBA’s AI efforts?


The AI factory enables CBA to perform secure and rapid experimentation with AI technologies, especially generative AI. This capability allows the bank to develop AI solutions on a larger scale, delivering hyper-personalized services while optimizing internal processes.

Q: What is the significance of Amazon SageMaker in CBA’s AI factory?


Amazon SageMaker is a managed machine learning service that enhances the EC2 P5 instances by streamlining the process of developing, training, and deploying machine learning models. It empowers CBA’s AI engineers to iterate more quickly and efficiently transition AI solutions to production.

Q: How will these AI innovations benefit CBA customers?


Customers can look forward to more personalized and contextually relevant services, quicker response times, and improved overall banking experiences. AI will also assist the bank in optimizing its operations, potentially leading to more efficient and cost-effective offerings.

Q: Are other Australian firms adopting comparable AI strategies?


Indeed, other Australian enterprises, including Seven West Media, are also embracing the AI factory model to scale up AI development. This trend signifies a broader movement towards formalizing AI development frameworks to foster innovation and enhance operational efficiency.

Q: What’s on the horizon for CBA regarding AI advancement?


With the AI factory now operational, CBA is poised to launch additional AI-driven initiatives aimed at enhancing customer experiences and streamlining banking operations. The bank is dedicated to ongoing investments in AI technologies to shape the future of banking.

Sydney Water Enhances Efficiency Through Significant Investment in Back-Office Systems

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Sydney Water’s Significant Investment in Back-Office Systems: Embracing a New Era of Efficiency

Sydney Water upgrades back-office systems with Dayforce

Lynda McClelland, far left, participating on a panel at Dayforce Daybreak.

Quick Overview – Essential Points:

  • Sydney Water is allocating resources to Dayforce to transform its back-office technology frameworks and workforce management.
  • The funding follows four years of strategic planning and aligns with a comprehensive workforce enhancement strategy.
  • The initiative aims to boost efficiency, workforce morale, and customer service delivery.
  • Deloitte has been appointed as the systems integrator for the Dayforce deployment.
  • This project signifies a pivot in Sydney Water’s strategy towards enhancing back-end systems alongside its customer-facing technologies.
  • Ongoing improvement financing is embedded within the project to guarantee long-lasting success and flexibility.

Transition to Back-Office Modernisation

Sydney Water, among Australia’s largest water utilities, is initiating a substantial workforce transformation through the adoption of Dayforce, a premier human capital management (HCM) system. This development indicates a broader change at Sydney Water, which has historically prioritized investments in customer-centric technologies and essential operations like automation in water and wastewater processing facilities. However, the utility has recently identified the necessity for parallel investments in back-office systems, initiating what Lynda McClelland, head of people experience programs, refers to as the “dawn of a new era.”

A Four-Year Workforce Strategy in Development

The choice to revamp Sydney Water’s back-office systems was not made impulsively. McClelland shared at the Dayforce Daybreak conference that the utility outlined its current workforce strategy four years prior. Throughout this period, it became apparent that a strong technological framework would be vital for facilitating the workforce transformation.

McClelland highlighted that the journey commenced with a payroll audit that enabled initial funding. As the years progressed, Sydney Water linked additional funding proposals to significant milestones within its workforce strategy. This gradual method allowed the utility to carefully establish its foundation, ensuring that when Dayforce was chosen as their HCM solution, they clearly understood their requirements.

The Contribution of Dayforce and Deloitte to the Transformation

Following extensive planning, Sydney Water opted for Dayforce as its people management technology. The decision was guided by Dayforce’s capacity to streamline and standardize back-office procedures, which had grown increasingly intricate over time. Deloitte was selected as the systems integrator to manage the implementation process, which commenced earlier this year.

McClelland underscored that the groundwork laid in planning and objective-setting facilitated a swift design phase of the project. “We accelerated through the design phase due to the extensive preliminary work we undertook,” McClelland affirmed, highlighting how the investment in initial preparations proved beneficial.

From Customer-Centric Approaches to Enabling Functions

For more than a decade, Sydney Water had concentrated its technology investments primarily on customer-oriented functions, including digital intelligence and automation within its treatment facilities. However, two years ago, the utility acknowledged the importance of investing in enabling functions, like back-office systems, to enhance overall operational efficiency.

McClelland noted that this shift in focus has already yielded positive results, particularly in enhancing employee contentment and service delivery quality. “Greater efficiency translates into happier employees because they feel more empowered, allowing them to dedicate more time to service provision,” she explained.

Continuous Improvement as a Core Principle

A crucial insight from Sydney Water’s approach to this transformation is the focus on continuous improvement. McClelland underscored the necessity of reserving funds for ongoing system enhancements once it becomes operational. The reasoning behind this is that no system is ever entirely “complete.” As users engage with the new platform, fresh needs and enhancement opportunities will present themselves.

“The transformation does not conclude upon project launch,” McClelland emphasized, suggesting that other organizations should incorporate continuous improvement into their budgets to ensure sustained success.


Sydney Water’s decision to invest in Dayforce as part of its workforce transformation signifies a major shift in how the utility recognizes the value of back-office systems. The four-year strategy that underpins this investment underscores the significance of meticulous planning and defined objectives in significant technology transformations. With Deloitte serving as the systems integrator, Sydney Water is set to refine its processes and enhance both employee morale and service provision. By embedding continuous improvement into the project’s core, Sydney Water guarantees that its back-office systems will adapt and align with its larger organizational ambitions.

Q: What led Sydney Water to select Dayforce for its workforce transformation?


Sydney Water chose Dayforce after a four-year process of planning and objective formulation. The platform was considered crucial for simplifying and standardizing back-office procedures essential to supporting its larger workforce transformation initiatives.

Q: What effect does this investment have on Sydney Water’s staff?


The newly implemented back-office systems intend to elevate employee satisfaction by empowering staff to work more effectively. Streamlined processes allow employees to concentrate more on customer service delivery, thereby enhancing overall job satisfaction.

Q: What is Deloitte’s function in this initiative?


Deloitte was chosen as the systems integrator for the Dayforce implementation. Their responsibility is to ensure that the platform is seamlessly integrated with Sydney Water’s existing technological framework, facilitating a smooth transition and optimizing the system’s capabilities.

Q: Why is ongoing improvement funding crucial for this project?


Continuous improvement funding is vital as implementing technology is an enduring process. Once a system goes live, new challenges and opportunities for enhancements typically arise. By allocating funds for ongoing updates, Sydney Water ensures the system’s long-term effectiveness.

Q: How does the investment in back-office systems connect with Sydney Water’s overarching objectives?


The investment in back-office systems aligns with Sydney Water’s ambition to boost overall efficacy and enhance customer service. Equipping employees with superior tools and systems enables the utility to deliver services more efficiently, which is a critical aspect of its larger organizational strategy.

Q: What was the timeline for planning and executing this project?


The planning phase spanned between two and four years, during which Sydney Water meticulously identified objectives and requirements. The actual implementation of Dayforce commenced earlier this year, with Deloitte spearheading the integration efforts.

Revitalizing MineOps to Match Shifting Industry Requirements

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Transforming MineOps: Adapting to Changing Industry Needs

Transforming MineOps for Enhanced Alignment with Industry Standards

Brief Overview

  • The mining industry is experiencing heightened demands from environmental regulations and market expectations.
  • Appian’s data fabric provides immediate insights and automation for mining workflows.
  • Compliance with regulations, including Environmental, Sustainability, and Governance (ESG) reporting, is streamlined with Appian’s system.
  • Appian’s platform offers a rapid, low-code solution, enabling implementations to be completed in as few as eight weeks.
  • The platform incorporates private AI for secure data management and enhanced operational insights.

Current Issues in the Mining Industry

The mining sector has consistently been a high-demand area in Australia and globally, yet the increasing intricacy of regulations, necessary third-party approvals, and environmental issues are heightening its challenges. Operators today must focus on maintaining profitability while conforming to rigorous health, safety, and environmental regulations, all while adapting to market changes.

As they prepare for 2024, decarbonisation has emerged as a vital issue. This essential transition introduces additional complexities into mining operations (MineOps). Mining firms are now required to tackle these obstacles while also addressing operational inefficiencies often stemming from outdated or isolated business functions.

Reassessing MineOps

Numerous mine operators continue to depend on manual processes, physical forms, and a variety of disjointed systems, generating inefficiencies that are unsustainable. These antiquated operational methods are draining time and resources from the industry, impeding companies from swiftly responding to new regulatory and market developments.

Justin Grose, Appian’s Account Director for Resources & Energy, notes that antiquated, fragmented MineOps processes can be avoided. He underscores how Appian’s sophisticated data fabric capabilities can furnish a cohesive and immediate overview of mining operations, guaranteeing that crucial information is available when needed.

Presenting Appian’s Data Fabric

Appian’s data fabric solution provides a comprehensive overview of mining operations by combining data from multiple sources into a singular, centralised platform. This enables mine operators to make data-driven decisions in real time, minimising the risk of data loss or mismanagement that may occur during data transitions between systems.

With Appian’s platform, information can be seamlessly surfaced, distributed, retrieved, or updated across various departments, eliminating the need for “swivel-chairing” between disparate systems or managing cumbersome physical forms and manual data entry.

Integrating Automation and AI

Beyond its data fabric features, Appian’s platform incorporates private artificial intelligence (AI) to provide enhanced insights into operations. The “private” element is crucial to ensuring sensitive business data remains confidential and distinct from public AI platforms. This system bolsters decision-making abilities while maintaining stringent security measures.

By automating business processes and leveraging AI, mining companies can more effectively fulfil their operational responsibilities. This encompasses quicker compliance with evolving regulations, customer expectations, and Environmental, Sustainability, and Governance (ESG) reporting requirements.

Accelerated and Flexible Implementations

Traditionally, implementing new systems that satisfy the criteria of regulators, investors, and internal stakeholders has been a drawn-out and cumbersome endeavor. Multi-year implementations have been commonplace, resulting in bottlenecks and inefficiencies.

Appian is altering this landscape with its eight-week implementation promise. This enables mining firms to launch a minimum viable product (MVP) within just two months, facilitating faster cost savings and return on investment compared to conventional systems.

Appian’s low-code platform strategy promotes swift deployment and adaptability. Even if a mining operation utilises legacy systems, Appian can deploy AI robots to gather the essential data and integrate it into the new platform.

Optimising Processes for Enhanced Efficiency

Appian’s platform is designed for rapidity and productivity. Utilizing a drag-and-drop interface that connects various system components allows mining operators to quickly construct new applications, akin to assembling a Lego project.

This modular strategy fosters quicker project execution and increased agility, empowering mining operations to promptly adapt to industry shifts or regulatory requirements. The system yields deeper insights into the organisation’s data, allowing operators to extract additional value from their information.


The mining sector is under mounting pressure to modernise its operations to align with environmental, safety, and regulatory demands, all while remaining competitive in a swiftly changing market. Appian’s data fabric and low-code platform provide a revolutionary solution for MineOps, granting real-time access to crucial business data, automating processes, and incorporating secure AI for improved decision-making.

With an eight-week implementation guarantee, Appian ensures that mine operators can rapidly respond to new challenges, streamline operations, and address the increasing need for speed, precision, and efficiency.

Q&A: Important Questions Regarding MineOps Revamp

Q: What are the main factors contributing to the current challenges in the mining sector?


The mining industry is encountering heightened regulatory pressures, especially concerning environmental, health, and safety standards. Moreover, the urgency for decarbonisation and changing market demands add layers of complexity to operations. Outdated systems and manual procedures further exacerbate these issues.

Q: In what ways does Appian’s data fabric assist mining companies?


Appian’s data fabric delivers a unified, comprehensive perspective of mining operations by consolidating information from diverse sources. This facilitates real-time decision-making and eradicates the inefficiencies linked to operating multiple disconnected systems.

Q: What benefits does private AI provide for mining operations?


Private AI guarantees that sensitive operational data remains confidential and is shielded from public platforms. It provides more profound insights into processes, enabling mining operators to enhance their operations while maintaining strict oversight of data access.

Q: What is the timeframe for implementing Appian’s platform?


Appian guarantees an eight-week implementation for a minimum viable product (MVP). This allows mining companies to swiftly adopt the platform and enjoy financial savings and operational efficiencies significantly sooner than with traditional solutions.

Q: What is low-code, and how does it benefit mining operations?


Low-code refers to a software development approach requiring minimal coding, allowing users to swiftly create and deploy applications through a visual, drag-and-drop interface. This accelerates the implementation process and enhances the flexibility to customise operations.

Q: How does Appian’s platform enhance ESG reporting?


Appian’s platform provides real-time data access, which facilitates simplified Environmental, Sustainability, and Governance (ESG) reporting. This ensures that mining companies can efficiently and accurately fulfil regulatory requirements and furnish detailed reports to stakeholders.

Q: Is Appian’s platform compatible with legacy systems?


Yes, Appian’s platform can integrate with legacy systems by deploying AI robots to retrieve data from these older systems and incorporate it into the Appian environment. This promotes a seamless transition without necessitating a full upgrade of existing infrastructure.

“AI in Finance: Essential Insights and Trends Influencing the Sector”

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AI in Finance: Significant Insights and Trends Influencing the Sector

Significant Insights and Trends Influencing AI in Finance

Artificial intelligence (AI) is persistently reshaping the global financial sector, including in Australia. As financial entities face a rapidly evolving technology landscape, AI is crucial for enhancing operational proficiency, improving customer experiences, and increasing profitability. This article explores the significant insights and trends influencing AI’s impact in finance.

Quick Overview

  • AI is transforming the financial industry by streamlining processes, curbing fraud, and enriching customer experiences.
  • Machine learning models are utilized to provide more precise risk evaluations and financial predictions.
  • In Australia, the adoption of AI in finance is on the rise, propelled by fintech innovations and regulatory adaptability.
  • Ethical issues, like data privacy and biases in AI models, are major concerns for financial organizations.
  • AI-enhanced chatbots and robo-advisors are becoming standard in customer service for banks and financial services.

The Significance of AI in Finance

AI is altering the financial landscape by automating a range of processes, from transaction surveillance to credit analysis. In Australia, financial organizations are increasingly incorporating AI technologies to optimize operations and provide more tailored services to customers.

Automation and Productivity

One of the primary benefits of AI in finance is its capacity to automate routine tasks. AI tools are being implemented across various financial services to diminish manual workloads, reduce human error, and enhance overall productivity. Functions such as document authentication, compliance checks, and financial reporting are now managed by AI algorithms, allowing human resources to focus on higher-level analysis and decision-making.

Risk Management and Fraud Prevention

Machine learning (ML) models are pivotal in advancing risk management and fraud prevention capabilities. By processing large volumes of data in real-time, AI can identify irregular patterns that may suggest fraudulent behavior. In Australia, financial institutions are utilizing sophisticated AI systems to scrutinize transactions, enabling quicker and more precise responses to potential fraud situations.

AI-Enhanced Customer Experience

AI is not only revolutionizing backend financial operations but also enhancing client-facing services. The emergence of AI-powered chatbots and robo-advisors has elevated customer service by providing immediate responses to inquiries and offering personalized financial guidance.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

In Australia, banks like Commonwealth Bank and Westpac are introducing AI-driven chatbots to manage customer queries. These virtual assistants can answer questions regarding account statuses, process transactions, and even suggest products—all without human involvement.

Personalized Financial Guidance

Robo-advisors are becoming increasingly favored among Australian consumers for delivering affordable, algorithm-driven financial advice. These AI solutions analyze user information to offer customized investment strategies, aligned with individual financial aspirations and risk appetites. As AI systems become more advanced, their capability to provide detailed and precise advice will only enhance.

Obstacles and Ethical Considerations

While the integration of AI in finance brings numerous advantages, it also presents considerable challenges. Ethical concerns regarding data privacy, algorithmic biases, and transparency are essential issues that must be addressed.

Data Confidentiality and Safety

As AI systems heavily rely on data, safeguarding the privacy and security of consumer information is critical. Australian financial institutions are required to adhere to strict data protection laws, and any data security breach could severely harm consumer confidence.

Bias in AI Models

AI algorithms are only as trustworthy as the datasets upon which they are trained. If biased datasets are employed, the AI may yield discriminatory results. This is particularly problematic in domains like credit scoring, where biased AI could unjustly reject loans for specific demographics. Financial entities must rigorously evaluate their AI systems to ensure equity and prevent unintended biases.

The Prospective Landscape of AI in Finance

As we look forward, AI is anticipated to continue shaping the financial sector, with progress in AI-driven analytics, predictive modeling, and blockchain integration. Australian financial institutions that capitalize on AI innovations are likely to be at the forefront of fintech growth in the region.

Notably, the partnership between legacy financial institutions and fintech startups will catalyze the next wave of AI integration in Australian finance. As AI technology becomes more widely available and affordable, we can anticipate further enhancements in customer service, risk management, and financial accessibility.


The incorporation of AI in finance is transforming how Australian financial institutions function. From process automation to enriched customer interactions via chatbots and robo-advisors, AI is set to continue pushing innovation within the sector. Nonetheless, ethical issues surrounding data privacy, bias, and security demand close attention as AI adoption expands. Moving forward, the collaboration between traditional and fintech institutions is expected to shape the forthcoming landscape of AI in the Australian finance sector.

Q: What are the primary advantages of AI in finance?


AI provides a multitude of benefits in finance, including increased operational efficiency, improved fraud detection, personalized customer services, and enhanced risk management. By automating everyday tasks, financial institutions conserve time and decrease human error.

Q: How is AI enhancing customer service in finance?


AI is advancing customer service through technologies like chatbots and robo-advisors. These AI systems can manage a variety of customer inquiries, provide real-time support, and deliver personalized financial advice without needing human involvement.

Q: What ethical issues relate to AI in finance?


Major ethical issues include data privacy, safety, and biases present in AI algorithms. Financial institutions must guarantee that AI systems are transparent, equitable, and secure to uphold consumer trust and comply with data protection laws.

Q: How does AI assist in fraud detection within financial institutions?


AI systems utilize machine learning models to examine transaction data in real-time, identifying unusual patterns that may signify fraudulent activity. This capability enables financial institutions to respond more swiftly and effectively to potential fraud incidents.

Q: What does the future hold for AI in the Australian finance sector?


AI is set to remain integral to the future of Australian finance, with advancements in predictive analytics, AI-enhanced customer service, and blockchain integration. Partnerships between traditional financial institutions and fintech startups will likely drive further AI innovation throughout the sector.

“AI Report on the Current Landscape: Australia’s Essential Infrastructure Ahead”

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The Prospects of AI in Australia’s Vital Infrastructure

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is swiftly transforming various sectors, and its impact is anticipated to be pivotal in defining Australia’s crucial infrastructure. Spanning energy, transportation, healthcare, and cyber security, AI is emerging as a vital element in enhancing efficiency, safety, and sustainability. In this article, we delve into the significant insights from the most recent State of AI Report, highlighting how AI is redefining Australia’s vital infrastructure and its implications for the nation’s future.

Quick Insights

  • AI is reshaping Australia’s vital infrastructure, encompassing energy, transportation, and healthcare.
  • Analytics and automation powered by AI are essential for enhancing efficiency and safety in public services.
  • As concerns about cyber security grow, AI is crucial for protecting national resources.
  • Successful integration of AI will hinge on collaboration among government, industry, and academia.
  • Australia strives to establish itself as a front-runner in AI innovation through substantial investments in AI research and practical applications.

AI’s Influence on Australia’s Vital Infrastructure

AI in Energy and Utilities

Australia’s energy domain is already undergoing considerable changes with the adoption of AI technologies. AI is employed to forecast energy needs and enhance the distribution of renewable sources like solar and wind. This aids in cost reduction, improving grid reliability, and promoting sustainability.

Moreover, predictive maintenance systems driven by AI are being utilized to oversee equipment in real-time, preventing breakdowns and minimizing downtime. This is particularly vital for Australia’s aging energy systems, where failures can lead to extensive outages and financial repercussions.

AI in Australia's Energy and Utilities Sector

AI in Transportation

The transportation field is another domain significantly influenced by AI. AI applications in traffic management are helping alleviate congestion and enhance road safety. Although self-driving vehicles are not yet commonplace, testing is underway in Australia, with AI integral to their navigation and decision-making capabilities.

Logistics and supply chain optimisation tools powered by AI are promoting more efficient goods transport, decreasing operational expenses for businesses, and minimizing emissions. This is critically important given Australia’s extensive geographical diversity, where effective goods movement is essential for the economy.

AI in Healthcare

AI holds the potential to transform Australia’s healthcare landscape by enhancing diagnostic precision, streamlining administrative functions, and facilitating predictive healthcare. AI is already assisting in medical imaging within hospitals, enabling clinicians to identify diseases such as cancer earlier and with greater accuracy.

On the admin side, AI-based systems are automating labor-intensive tasks including scheduling, record management, and billing, allowing healthcare providers to concentrate on patient care. Furthermore, AI can assist in forecasting outbreaks and managing patient traffic during crises, a crucial factor in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cyber Security and AI

As Australia’s critical infrastructure becomes increasingly digitised, the demand for robust cyber security measures intensifies. AI plays a vital part in the real-time detection and response to cyber threats, helping to mitigate potential attack damage.

Algorithms powered by AI can sift through extensive data to spot irregular patterns and behaviours, enabling organizations to take proactive measures against potential threats. With critical infrastructure in Australia becoming more dependent on digital frameworks, AI’s relevance in cyber security is set to escalate.

Collaboration is Crucial

For successful integration of AI into Australia’s vital infrastructure, collaboration among government, industry, and academia is crucial. The Australian government has already invested significantly in AI research and development, and partnerships with educational institutions and private enterprises will be pivotal in fostering innovation.

Additionally, regulatory frameworks will need to adapt to guarantee that AI is implemented responsibly and ethically within essential sectors. With well-defined guidelines and collaborative initiatives, Australia can establish itself as a global frontrunner in AI innovation, ensuring that its critical infrastructure remains resilient for future generations.


AI is set to transform Australia’s critical infrastructure, providing solutions that can enhance efficiency, safety, and sustainability across multiple sectors. From energy enhancements to healthcare improvements and cyber security advancements, the effect of AI is already evident and is expected to increase. Through solid collaboration between government, industry, and academia, alongside a commitment to responsible AI usage, Australia is at the forefront of this technological shift.

Q: In what ways is AI enhancing Australia’s energy sector?

A: AI is advancing Australia’s energy sector by refining the distribution of renewable energy, predicting consumption, and facilitating predictive maintenance to avert equipment failures. This results in cost efficiencies, improved grid integrity, and heightened sustainability.

Q: What function does AI serve in the transportation sector?

A: AI is utilised in traffic management to lessen congestion and enhance road safety. It also optimises logistics and supply chains, increasing the efficiency of goods transportation, while being central to the development of autonomous vehicles.

Q: How is AI reshaping healthcare in Australia?

A: AI is increasing diagnostic precision, notably in medical imaging, and streamlining administrative functions like scheduling and record management. It also plays a role in predictive healthcare by foreseeing disease outbreaks and regulating patient traffic during emergencies.

Q: What significance does AI hold for Australia’s cyber security?

A: AI is essential for cyber security as it can process extensive data to identify unusual patterns and potential threats in real time. This enables organizations to respond swiftly and lessen the impacts of cyber threats, which is increasingly vital as critical infrastructure becomes more technologically integrated.

Q: What is required for AI to be effectively incorporated into Australia’s vital infrastructure?

A: The effective incorporation of AI into Australia’s critical infrastructure calls for collaboration among government, industry, and academia. This encompasses investments in AI research, the development of regulatory frameworks, and partnerships aimed at driving innovation while ensuring ethical and responsible AI usage.

Q: How is Australia positioning itself as a leader in AI innovation?

A: Australia is making substantial investments in AI research and development, with collaboration between the government, universities, and private industries to promote innovation. By concentrating on pivotal sectors such as energy, healthcare, and cyber security, Australia is carving its niche as a leading force in AI technology.

United Airlines Collaborates with Starlink to Provide High-Speed Internet Onboard

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United Airlines Collaborates with Starlink to Provide High-Speed In-Flight Internet

United Airlines Collaborates with Starlink to Provide High-Speed In-Flight Internet

Quick Read

  • United Airlines has teamed up with Elon Musk’s Starlink to deliver high-speed in-flight internet.
  • This service will be free for passengers across over 1,000 United Airlines planes.
  • Testing is anticipated to start in early 2025, with flights featuring Starlink later that same year.
  • Starlink’s satellite internet aims to improve connectivity for airlines, having previously partnered with Hawaiian Airlines and JSX.
  • This initiative boosts Starlink’s growth from rural markets into commercial aviation.
United Airlines and Starlink collaborate for in-flight internet services

United Airlines and Starlink Unify to Innovate In-Flight Connectivity

United Airlines has embarked on an exciting partnership with Elon Musk’s SpaceX-owned Starlink to bring high-speed, satellite-based in-flight internet services. This collaboration aims to enhance the travel experience by providing internet access that rivals ground connectivity.

The airline intends to implement the service across its entire fleet, comprising over 1,000 aircraft. The testing phase is set to kick off in early 2025, while the inaugural passenger flights equipped with Starlink internet are expected later that same year. United Airlines has affirmed that the service will incur no charges for passengers, a considerable incentive for travelers.

What is Starlink?

Starlink is a satellite internet service run by SpaceX, the aerospace firm founded by Elon Musk. It is engineered to deliver high-speed broadband to regions lacking adequate connectivity, utilizing a network of thousands of low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. This technology has found applications in rural and underserved areas, and now, Starlink is branching into commercial aviation. The service is recognized for its low latency and rapid internet speeds, crucial attributes for long-haul flights where seamless online interactions are expected.

Why This Partnership is a Game Changer

The alliance between United Airlines and Starlink is poised to transform in-flight internet, tackling one of the most frequent grievances among air travelers: slow and spotty Wi-Fi. Conventional in-flight connectivity depends on ground-based towers or geostationary satellites, both of which present limitations such as high latency and unreliable coverage. Starlink’s LEO satellites aspire to resolve these challenges by providing quicker speeds and steadier service, regardless of the flight’s route.

By offering the service at no cost, United Airlines is setting itself apart from rivals that typically charge for Wi-Fi access. This could potentially establish a new benchmark in the aviation sector where complimentary internet access becomes standard rather than an exception.

Starlink’s Growth in Aviation

This collaboration isn’t Starlink’s first venture into the aviation field. The satellite internet provider has already formed agreements with Hawaiian Airlines and the regional airline JSX. These partnerships signify Starlink’s ambitious plan to broaden its reach from home and rural internet solutions into commercial aviation.

The aviation sector represents a logical next step for Starlink, considering the rising need for dependable internet access during flights. Whether for business, entertainment streaming, or connecting with loved ones, high-speed internet is evolving from a luxury to a critical requirement on numerous flights.

Timeline for Implementation

Although the partnership has been unveiled, United Airlines passengers will need to wait a bit before experiencing Starlink’s high-speed internet. Testing will commence in early 2025, with the initial passenger flights outfitted with Starlink anticipated later that year. United’s strategy to deploy the service across its entire fleet signifies a long-term commitment to enhancing passenger experience and embracing technological advancements within the aviation sector.


United Airlines’ alliance with Starlink signifies a major milestone in the advancement of in-flight internet connectivity. With Starlink’s satellite technology, passengers can look forward to faster, more dependable internet access at no cost. The partnership also underscores Starlink’s ongoing ambition to extend its services beyond rural communities and into the commercial aviation arena, positioning it as a significant contender in the market for airborne internet solutions. Testing is slated to begin in 2025, with a comprehensive roll-out anticipated across United’s fleet in the following years.


Q: When will Starlink’s internet service be available on United Airlines flights?


Testing of Starlink’s in-flight internet service on United Airlines will start in early 2025, with the first passenger flights featuring the service expected later that year.

Q: Will passengers have to pay for the in-flight internet?


No, United Airlines has confirmed that Starlink’s in-flight internet service will be free for passengers.

Q: How does Starlink’s internet differ from traditional in-flight Wi-Fi?


Unlike conventional in-flight Wi-Fi, which often depends on ground towers or geostationary satellites, Starlink utilizes low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. This allows for enhanced speeds, reduced latency, and more consistent connectivity, even over remote areas and oceans.

Q: How many United Airlines aircraft will be equipped with Starlink internet?


United Airlines plans to equip over 1,000 aircraft with Starlink’s high-speed internet service in the coming years.

Q: Which other airlines have partnered with Starlink?


Besides United Airlines, Starlink has collaborated with Hawaiian Airlines and regional carrier JSX to deliver high-speed in-flight internet services.

Q: How fast is Starlink’s in-flight internet?


Although specific speeds for in-flight usage have yet to be announced, Starlink’s satellite internet service can provide speeds of up to 100 Mbps or more to individual users in other scenarios, making it considerably faster than most conventional in-flight Wi-Fi options.

Q: Will Starlink’s internet be available on all United flights?


Yes, United Airlines plans to outfit its entire fleet, which includes over 1,000 aircraft, with Starlink’s internet service over the upcoming years.

ANZ Bank Adopts Zero Trust and ‘Secure-by-Default’ Strategy to Enhance Cybersecurity

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ANZ Bank Enhances Cybersecurity Through Zero Trust and ‘Secure-by-Default’ Framework

ANZ Banking Group implements Zero Trust and secure-by-default cybersecurity framework

Dr Maria Milosavljevic (Image credit: ANZ Banking Group)

Brief Overview

  • ANZ Bank is rolling out a cybersecurity plan over three years, centred on Zero Trust and ‘secure-by-default’ concepts.
  • The bank’s plan revolves around three main objectives: integrating security, enhancing resilience, and facilitating business change.
  • ANZ has participated in organisation-wide cyber drills to prepare for major incidents, pinpointing improvement areas through practical scenarios.
  • The Zero Trust approach prioritises rigorous authentication processes, network division, and automated security mechanisms.
  • ANZ collaborates with external service providers, regulators, and industry peers to foster joint accountability in cybersecurity.

Zero Trust and ‘Secure-by-Default’: ANZ’s New Cybersecurity Framework

ANZ Bank is embarking on its first year of an ambitious corporate security initiative that emphasizes the integration of strong security measures, resilience building, and fostering innovation within the organization. This is part of a continuous effort to enhance the bank’s cybersecurity infrastructure, with a focus on Zero Trust and ‘secure-by-default’ methodologies.

This groundbreaking approach highlights the necessity for holistic security given the rising sophistication of cyber threats. Dr Maria Milosavljevic, ANZ’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), is at the forefront of this project, which received approval from the ANZ Board in early 2024.

Three Key Pillars of Cybersecurity at ANZ

ANZ’s cybersecurity framework is constructed on three essential pillars:

1. **Integrating Security Throughout the Organisation**: Security is no longer tasked to a singular department; it is now a collective obligation among all teams within the bank. This collaborative shift guarantees that security permeates every layer of the organization.

2. **Enhancing Resilience**: ANZ collaborates closely with third-party service providers and regulators to reinforce its defenses against emerging cybersecurity threats. This involves improving contractual arrangements and fostering trustful partnerships.

3. **Facilitating Business Change**: As ANZ adapts to digital transformation, it is crucial that security does not obstruct innovation. The bank seeks to promote rapid yet secure experimentation within its business units, ensuring security acts as an enabler rather than an impediment.

Getting Ready for Cyber Incidents: Practical Simulations

Preparedness for cybersecurity incidents is a primary concern for ANZ. In November 2023, the bank executed an enterprise-wide cyber simulation with prominent decision-makers and implementers. This exercise was modeled on a genuine incident impacting another entity, compelling ANZ to evaluate its readiness for similar issues.

The simulation yielded valuable feedback, enabling the bank to highlight weaknesses in its incident response procedures. Smaller-scale activities have also been implemented across its operations in Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific regions, along with joint drills with Suncorp Bank, emphasizing the significance of cross-organizational preparedness.

Essential Insights from Cyber Exercises

The cybersecurity drills have highlighted the necessity of:
– **Clarity in Incident Response**: Employees need to know their responsibilities during a cyber incident, including backup plans for key decision-makers who may be absent.
– **Maintaining Operational Continuity**: Incident response strategies should ensure that the right personnel are present and recuperated during an extended crisis.
– **Communication with Stakeholders**: Effective communication strategies are crucial to keep regulators and partners updated as incidents develop.

Building Resilience through Third-Party Collaboration

In today’s interconnected ecosystem, no entity functions in seclusion. Acknowledging this, ANZ is focused on cultivating strong partnerships with its third-party providers and regulators, realizing the significance of a shared accountability model.

Cybersecurity agreements are being meticulously examined to ensure mutual understanding of expectations. However, it’s not solely about contractual details—ANZ is also dedicated to fostering ‘soft relationships’ based on trust and ongoing collaboration. This strategy guarantees that both the bank and its partners are coordinated in protecting sensitive data.

Zero Trust Framework: A Multi-Layered Security Approach

ANZ’s strategy encompasses the application of a Zero Trust framework, a thorough security design that operates on the principle that no entity—inside or outside the network—should be trusted by default. This framework replaces conventional perimeter-focused security models with ongoing verification and segmentation.

Core Elements of Zero Trust at ANZ

– **Enhanced Authentication**: Improved methods, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), ensure that users are accurately identified before accessing resources.
– **Network Division**: By partitioning the network into smaller, secure segments, ANZ can restrict the proliferation of potential threats.
– **Automated Security Mechanisms**: Shifting from manual to automated verification of security controls enables ongoing surveillance. This provides the bank with real-time insights into its security status and risk levels.

Facilitating Business Change with Security

Security is often critiqued for hindering innovation, but ANZ is striving to alter this perception. The bank has implemented an “experiments at pace” framework that empowers various departments to innovate swiftly while adhering to security requirements.

ANZ is equally devoted to simplifying compliance processes for its employees through user-friendly tools and frameworks. This enables staff to experiment and innovate within a secure context, encountering minimal obstacles.


ANZ Bank is taking decisive actions to advance its cybersecurity framework through a consolidated approach rooted in Zero Trust and ‘secure-by-default’ principles. The bank’s three-year strategy is structured around embedding security across the organization, enhancing resilience against cyber threats, and facilitating business transformation. By participating in hands-on cyber exercises and strengthening collaboration with external partners, ANZ is progressing toward a more secure and resilient financial institution.


Q: What is the Zero Trust framework, and why is ANZ implementing it?

A: The Zero Trust framework is a security model that necessitates continuous verification of user identity and device integrity prior to granting network access. ANZ is embracing Zero Trust to bolster its security defenses by operating on the principle that no entity, whether internal or external, can be accepted as trustworthy by default. This reduces risks from both external and internal threats.

Q: How does ANZ’s cybersecurity strategy drive business transformation?

A: ANZ’s strategy includes an “experiments at pace” framework that enables different business units to innovate swiftly and securely. This framework equips employees with tools to self-manage security while exploring new concepts, ensuring a seamless integration of innovation and security.

Q: Why are third-party connections vital in ANZ’s security approach?

A: In a connected framework, third-party providers may introduce vulnerabilities. ANZ is dedicated to solidifying its relationships with third-party providers through clear agreements and trust-building initiatives. This fosters mutual accountability and enhances resilience against cyber threats.

Q: What types of cybersecurity drills has ANZ undertaken?

A: ANZ has engaged in both extensive, organization-wide cyber simulations and smaller, regional drills. These activities are aimed at helping the bank gauge its readiness for cyber incidents and uncover areas needing enhancement. The simulations involve key decision-makers and implementers to ensure preparedness at every level.

Q: How is ANZ planning to incorporate security throughout its organization?

A: ANZ strives to ensure that security is a collective responsibility shared among all business units rather than isolated in a single department. By weaving security into every component of the organization, ANZ guarantees that all employees are accountable and contribute to the overall cybersecurity posture of the bank.

Q: What is the role of automation in ANZ’s security strategy?

A: Automation is a fundamental aspect of ANZ’s security approach. By automating the verification of security controls, the bank can continuously monitor its security status in real-time. This transition from manual to automated procedures enables ANZ to detect and address threats more adeptly, ensuring round-the-clock protection.