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Queensland Police Struck by Data Access Interruptions After System Upgrade

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Queensland Police Confronts Data Access Challenges Following System Update

Following a recent system update, the Queensland Police Service (QPS) has encountered significant setbacks in accessing crucial data within its primary operational database system, QPRIME. This interruption has impacted the service across the board, affecting both on-ground officers and emergency response times.

Queensland Police faces data access challenges following system update

Image credit: Queensland Police Service.

Quick Overview

  • Queensland Police has encountered delays in data access due to a recent system update.
  • The core database QPRIME and QLITE devices utilized by officers were impacted.
  • The disruption also affected the Police Communication Centre, leading to prolonged processing times for Triple Zero calls.
  • The issue has since been resolved, with no noted effects on community safety or officer operations.
  • QPS is closely observing the situation, with further updates anticipated.

Exploring the QPRIME System

QPRIME, which stands for Queensland Police Records and Information Management Exchange, is a crucial database system introduced in the early-to-mid 2000s. It aimed to merge 234 distinct information systems into a unified platform, facilitating officers’ access to intelligence and data more effectively. The system is essential for the daily functions of the Queensland Police Service, backing everything from routine checks to urgent incident responses.

Effects of the Recent System Update

The latest system update, executed on Wednesday, resulted in unexpected delays in data access across all QPRIME applications and QLITE devices. QLITE comprises a fleet of iPad devices that officers use in the field to retrieve real-time information, perform checks, and report incidents. The disruption was significant enough to impact the Police Communication Centre, which saw slower processing times for Triple Zero emergency calls, particularly during high-demand periods.

Queensland Police Service’s Response

The Queensland Police Service has recognized the delays and announced that the issues have been resolved. “The Queensland Police Service has implemented changes to the systems, and these delays are no longer occurring,” the service communicated. They also reassured the public that there have been no effects on community safety or officer operations due to the disruption. Furthermore, QPS is closely watching the QPRIME system to ensure that any future concerns are addressed swiftly.

Potential Risks and Future Considerations

While the immediate disruption has been resolved, the episode underscores potential risks linked to dependence on complex digital systems for essential public services. While necessary for ongoing functionality and enhancements, system updates can create vulnerabilities or operational issues if not managed carefully. The Queensland Police Service’s prompt action in remedying the issue and ensuring public safety remained intact is commendable, yet it also emphasizes the importance of thorough testing and contingency planning in today’s digital landscape.


The Queensland Police Service confronted a considerable challenge when a recent system update led to delays in accessing crucial data within the QPRIME system. Although the issues have been rectified without reported effects on public safety or officer operations, the incident highlights the necessity for meticulous system management and ongoing vigilance in maintaining the dependability of digital infrastructure.

Q: What is QPRIME?


QPRIME stands for Queensland Police Records and Information Management Exchange. It is a fundamental database system initiated in the early-to-mid 2000s to unify 234 separate information systems into a single platform that enhances access to intelligence and data for the Queensland Police Service.

Q: What caused the recent data access challenges?


The challenges arose from unspecified system updates implemented on QPRIME on Wednesday. These updates resulted in delays in accessing data across all QPRIME applications and QLITE devices utilized by officers in the field.

Q: Was the public impacted by these delays?


According to the Queensland Police Service, there have been no reported impacts on community safety or officer operations due to the delays. Emergency calls continued to be processed, albeit with some delays during peak times, but the situation has been resolved.

Q: How has the Queensland Police Service reacted to the issue?


The Queensland Police Service implemented changes to the systems to eliminate the delays, and they are actively monitoring the QPRIME system to avert future issues. The service has also confirmed that service calls are still being managed and supported appropriately.

Q: What is QLITE, and how was it influenced?


QLITE is a collection of iPad devices employed by Queensland Police officers in the field to access real-time data, execute checks, and document incidents. The recent system update induced delays in data access on these devices, affecting officers’ capability to gather and input vital information.

Q: What measures can be taken to avert similar issues in the future?


To avoid comparable complications, it’s crucial to conduct comprehensive testing prior to implementing system updates, especially for critical infrastructure. Moreover, establishing a solid contingency plan can assist in mitigating the impact of any disruptions that do arise, ensuring the continuity of service and safeguarding public safety.

CrowdStrike Downtime Exacerbates California Fuel Storage Emergency

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Brief Overview:

  • The CrowdStrike IT outage last month triggered a fuel storage dilemma in California.
  • California’s rigorous regulations and insufficient storage infrastructure worsened the predicament.
  • Jet fuel had to be stored on maritime tankers because land storage facilities were at capacity.
  • Storage expenses in California are twice those of other key hubs like New York Harbor and Houston.
  • This outage caused jet fuel reserves to hit historical highs of over 12 million barrels.
  • Establishing new storage tanks in California is a slow and complicated process.
  • Jet fuel imports to the West Coast have increased significantly this year, further straining storage resources.

Crisis in California’s Fuel Storage Amplified by CrowdStrike Outage

The recent CrowdStrike IT failure, which resulted in numerous flight cancellations, has escalated into a significant fuel storage crisis in California. The disturbance compelled US traders to place jet fuel intended for California onto maritime tankers, according to storage broker The Tank Tiger. This predicament highlights the limited petroleum storage capability in the state, where strict environmental laws and a laborious permitting procedure have hindered the development of new oil and gas facilities.

Consequences of Stringent Environmental Regulations

California has historically led the environmental charge, enacting stringent regulations designed to lessen reliance on fossil fuels. However, these ambitious initiatives have inadvertently resulted in a congestion of the state’s petroleum storage capacity. “For several years, there has been no space available for petroleum product storage in California,” stated Ernie Barsamian, the founder of The Tank Tiger, a clearinghouse for US terminal storage.

The state’s prime location on the US West Coast positions it as a vital petroleum trading center. Nevertheless, California’s restrictive approach to fossil fuel infrastructure has cultivated a scenario where demand is high yet storage capacity falls short. This mismatch renders the region particularly susceptible to fuel price fluctuations during disruptions like IT failures or refinery accidents.

The Burdensome Permitting Procedure

A primary obstacle for the industry in California is the challenging process for acquiring permits for new storage tanks. Despite clear demand, the permitting journey is slow and complicated, contributing to the already elevated operational costs in the state. “Obtaining permits for new storage tanks in California is a complex process,” Barsamian commented. Consequently, storage fees in California are reportedly double those in other prominent trading centers such as New York Harbor or Houston.

Maritime Tankers as an Emergency Measure

The CrowdStrike outage in July created a circumstance where unused jet fuel, originally slated for California, lacked available land storage and needed to be redirected to maritime tankers off the coasts of Houston and New Orleans. This storage approach, typically regarded as a last resort, carries its own challenges. Extending the use of these ships delays their journeys, tightening the market and raising operational costs.

Moreover, the outage triggered a notable increase in jet fuel reserves on the US West Coast. By the week ending July 26, jet fuel inventories in land tanks had surged to over 12 million barrels, a historic peak. This inventory increase was directly associated with the CrowdStrike outage, which commenced on July 19.

Rise in West Coast Imports

Adding to the storage crisis is the influx of West Coast imports, propelled by heightened demand for jet fuel. Analysts from the ship-tracking service Kpler report that West Coast imports averaged roughly 135,000 barrels per day (bpd) this year, roughly 25,000 bpd more than last year. This surge in imports has kept inventories elevated, further straining the already inadequate storage capacity.

As of last week, West Coast jet fuel supplies reached 11.8 million barrels, nearly 28 percent higher than the same time last year. This significant increase highlights the growing challenges in the region’s fuel market as it contends with both rising demand and limited storage capabilities.


The CrowdStrike IT outage has illuminated the vulnerable state of California’s fuel storage systems. With strict environmental regulations, a burdensome permitting process, and soaring storage costs, the state is poorly prepared to manage disruptions in its petroleum supply chain. The situation has worsened due to a surge in West Coast imports, resulting in record-high jet fuel inventories and compelling traders to turn to costly maritime storage options. California’s ongoing fuel storage crisis serves as a stark reminder of the difficulties inherent in reconciling environmental objectives with essential infrastructure requirements.

Q: What was the effect of the CrowdStrike outage on California’s fuel market?

A: The CrowdStrike outage caused many flights to be grounded, resulting in an oversupply of jet fuel that California’s limited storage capacity could not accommodate. This led traders to resort to maritime tankers for storage, driving up costs and tightening the market.

Q: What contributes to California’s constrained storage capacity?

A: Stringent environmental policies and a cumbersome permitting process in California have made it challenging to construct new oil and gas infrastructure, including storage tanks. Consequently, the state’s storage capabilities have not matched the demand, leading to frequent bottlenecks.

Q: How do California’s storage costs stack up against other areas?

A: Reportedly, storage costs in California are twice as high as those in other major trading hubs such as New York Harbor or Houston. This is attributed to the state’s stringent regulations and high demand for limited storage availability.

Q: What are the risks of relying on maritime tankers for storage?

A: Utilizing maritime tankers for storage is viewed as a last resort due to the associated high costs and logistical challenges. Prolonging the use of these vessels results in longer delays, tightening the market and increasing overall expenses.

Q: What has triggered the rise in jet fuel imports to the West Coast?

A: A robust demand for jet fuel has led to a marked uptick in imports to the West Coast this year. According to Kpler, imports have averaged around 135,000 barrels per day, 25,000 bpd higher than the previous year. This increase has further strained the region’s already limited storage resources.

Why Retaining Older Technology Might Be Your Cleverest Financial Decision So Far

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Why Retaining Older Technology Could Be a Wise Financial Strategy

Quick Read

  • Numerous organisations are reconsidering the transition to cloud services for financial and operational purposes.
  • Keeping on-premises technology can prove to be more economical over time, particularly in specific industries.
  • Older systems provide enhanced control over data security and compliance requirements.
  • Organisations need to assess their distinct needs before fully committing to cloud solutions.

Reasons Some Organisations are Reluctant to Transition to the Cloud

The appeal of cloud computing has been considerable in recent times, leading many organisations to adopt cloud-based technologies. Nonetheless, an increasing number of companies are reevaluating this transition, especially regarding the retention of certain technologies on-premises. Tim McPherson, Northern Region General Manager for Sales at Interactive, points out that at some juncture, every organisation must meticulously assess which assets remain onsite and which can be migrated to the cloud.

Financial Implications

A prominent factor behind the decision to keep older technology is cost considerations. Although cloud services might appear less expensive initially, ongoing costs can accumulate rapidly. Expenses related to licensing, data transfer, and continuous subscription fees can render cloud solutions pricier than managing current hardware and software. For budget-conscious organisations, particularly in sectors with narrow margins, maintaining older technology can be a more financially feasible approach.

Operational Continuity and Control

Another significant reason for the preference for older technology is the operational continuity it ensures. Time-tested systems that have operated for years tend to be stable and well familiar to IT teams. Shifting to the cloud introduces uncertainties that can interrupt business functions, such as internet connectivity issues, service interruptions, and evolving service agreements. Moreover, older technologies allow organisations to uphold better control over their data, which is vital for sectors with strict compliance mandates.

Security and Compliance

Concerns surrounding data security and compliance are critical for many organisations, especially those operating in regulated areas like finance and healthcare. On-premises technology provides a superior level of control over data security compared to cloud options, where data is kept off-site. Retaining older systems allows companies to adhere to local regulations and standards more effortlessly, which can be challenging to accomplish with cloud-hosted solutions.

Customisation and Integration

Legacy systems are often tailored to fulfil the specific demands of an organisation. These customised solutions can be arduous to duplicate in a cloud environment, where standardisation is prevalent. Furthermore, legacy systems may integrate with other on-premises technologies that can be complicated and costly to transition to the cloud. For these reasons, numerous businesses find it more practical to retain their current setup rather than risk the disruptions associated with a comprehensive migration.


While cloud computing presents numerous advantages, it may not be suitable for every organisation. Financial limitations, operational reliability, data security, and customisation needs are all legitimate considerations for holding onto older technologies. Prior to deciding to migrate to the cloud, companies should thoroughly examine their specific requirements and contemplate whether their existing infrastructure may still be the superior choice.

Q: What are the primary financial advantages of retaining older technology?

A: The primary financial benefits encompass avoiding ongoing subscription costs, minimizing the need for new licenses, and removing data transfer expenses linked to cloud services. Holding onto existing hardware also enables organisations to fully amortise their investments without incurring further costs.

Q: How does older technology ensure better operational stability?

A: Older systems are often well understood and have been optimised through years of operation. This knowledge lessens the likelihood of operational interruptions, as IT teams are already equipped to manage potential issues. Conversely, cloud transitions can introduce new factors that may cause unexpected downtimes.

Q: Why is data security more effective with on-premises technology?

A: On-premises technology provides organisations with complete control over their data, which is particularly crucial for industries bound by strict compliance rules. In cloud settings, where data is stored off-site, meeting local data protection regulations and standards can become more complex.

Q: Can cloud solutions be customised as much as on-premises technology?

A: Typically, cloud offerings are less adaptable than on-premises systems. Cloud providers generally supply standardised services that might not cater to an organisation’s specific needs. Custom integrations and specialised requirements can be difficult and costly to implement in the cloud, making older systems a more feasible alternative for some companies.

Keeping older tech could save money

This magazine-style article is tailored according to optimal search engine standards, providing a thorough exploration of why retaining older technology could be a financially sound decision for businesses, especially in the Australian market. The article features a bullet-point recap for quick reference, in-depth sections for comprehensive insight, and a Q&A segment to address potential queries.

Tesla’s Upcoming Perth Sales, Service, and Delivery Centre Opening This Weekend

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Tesla’s New Perth Sales, Service, and Delivery Centre: A Transformative Addition for Western Australia

Tesla's New Perth Sales, Service, and Delivery Centre Opening This Weekend

Quick Overview:

  • New Tesla Centre in Perth, positioned at 146 Carrington Street, O’Connor, WA, poised to launch this Saturday.
  • This centre will function as a focal point for vehicle sales, deliveries, and service requirements throughout Western Australia.
  • The grand opening event includes test drives, tech discussions, and fun activities for families.
  • Registration is essential for the event; it’s dog-friendly with activities such as “Paint a Tesla” for children.
  • Tesla Owners Club WA will be in attendance to discuss Novated Leasing and other topics.
  • The grand opening agenda features a ribbon-cutting ceremony and opportunities to win a Tesla Weekend experience.

Tesla’s Growth in Western Australia

Tesla is poised to make a notable impact in Western Australia with the launch of its new Sales, Service, and Delivery Centre in O’Connor, Perth. This new establishment is anticipated to be a transformative resource for local EV fans, offering a vital hub for Tesla services and sales in the area.

Situated at 146 Carrington Street, O’Connor, WA 6163, the new centre is ideally placed to cater to Tesla owners and potential buyers throughout Western Australia. This expansion underscores Tesla’s dedication to enhancing its presence in Australia, especially in regions that have been historically underserved.

A Comprehensive Service Centre for Western Australia

The new Tesla Centre will provide an extensive array of services, effectively turning it into a one-stop destination for all Tesla-related needs. Whether you wish to buy a new Tesla, need service for your existing vehicle, or are awaiting a delivery, this centre will cover all these bases.

Western Australia, noted for its expansive landscape and increasing enthusiasm for electric vehicles, has long required a dedicated Tesla centre. The establishment of this facility aims to fill that void, ensuring Tesla owners in the area have improved access to sales and service assistance.

Grand Opening Festivities: What to Anticipate

The grand opening festivities, scheduled for this Saturday, are crafted to celebrate community engagement. Tesla fans can expect a day filled with activities, tech discussions, and the opportunity to explore the new centre.

Event Itinerary

The events will commence at 9:00am, featuring coffee and pastries from the beloved local Big Loaf Bakery. Attendees can partake in test drives throughout the day, allowing them to experience Tesla’s innovative technology up close. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the day’s activities:

  • 9:00am: Coffee & pastries, along with all-day test drives.
  • 9:30am: Ribbon cutting ceremony.
  • 10:00am: Paint a Tesla – a fun, interactive activity for children.
  • 10:30am: Service Tech Talk – gain insights into Tesla’s cutting-edge service features.
  • 11:00am: Motors Tech Talk – explore the mechanics behind Tesla’s robust motors.
  • 11:30am: Energy Tech Talk – learn about Tesla’s energy solutions.
  • 12:00pm: Compete for a chance to win a Tesla Weekend experience.
  • 1:00pm: Event wraps up.

Activities for Families and Pets

This event is designed to cater to families as well; the “Paint a Tesla” activity at 10:00am will surely delight the kids, offering them a creative outlet while learning more about electric vehicles.

Furthermore, the event is dog-friendly, providing the unique opportunity to experience a test drive alongside your furry companion. This approach reflects Tesla’s commitment to fostering an inclusive atmosphere for all.

Tesla Owners Club WA Involvement

Representatives from the Tesla Owners Club WA will be present to share their experiences and provide insights into various topics, including Novated Leasing, a favored option for financing electric vehicles in Australia. Their involvement will be a valuable resource for both current and prospective Tesla owners.

The Importance of This Centre

This new centre’s opening represents a significant advancement for Tesla and the broader EV sector in Western Australia. It reflects a rising interest in electric vehicles across the region and Tesla’s dedication to fulfilling that demand. By offering a complete suite of services ranging from sales to maintenance, Tesla is simplifying the transition for Western Australians to electric vehicles.

Additionally, this launch could catalyze further infrastructure developments in the area. With heightened interest and support, the region may see an increase in charging stations, service centres, and other facilities that enhance the growth of electric vehicles.


Tesla’s new Sales, Service, and Delivery Centre in O’Connor, Perth, is set to throw open its doors this Saturday, marking a pivotal achievement for the electric vehicle community in Western Australia. The centre will supply a full spectrum of services, including sales, deliveries, and maintenance, establishing itself as an essential resource for Tesla owners in the area. The grand opening event promises a day filled with various entertaining activities, tech discussions, and opportunities to win exclusive Tesla experiences. As Tesla continues to broaden its reach in Australia, this new centre highlights the growing demand for electric vehicles in Western Australia.

Q: Where can the new Tesla Centre be found?


The new Tesla Centre is located at 146 Carrington Street, O’Connor, Western Australia 6163.

Q: What services are available at the new Tesla Centre?


The new Tesla Centre will provide a complete range of services, comprising new vehicle sales, deliveries, and maintenance services.

Q: Is the grand opening event accessible to the public?


Yes, the event is open to the public, although registration is necessary. You can sign up on the official Tesla event page.

Q: Will there be any special activities during the grand opening?


Certainly, the event will feature test drives, tech discussions, a “Paint a Tesla” activity for kids, and opportunities to win a Tesla Weekend experience. The event is also dog-friendly.

Dell Takes Further Steps to Divest SecureWorks

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Quick Read: Essential Insights

  • Dell Technologies is revisiting the prospect of selling SecureWorks after previous attempts did not succeed.
  • Investment bankers from Morgan Stanley and Piper Sandler have been brought in to investigate potential buyers, which may include private equity firms.
  • SecureWorks has an estimated market value of around US$800 million (A$1.17 billion).
  • Dell maintains a 79.2% ownership stake in SecureWorks and has control over 97.4% of its voting rights.
  • Following news regarding a potential sale, SecureWorks’ shares surged by as much as 34%.
  • Dell initially acquired SecureWorks in 2011 for US$612 million and took it public in 2016.
  • SecureWorks has encountered difficulties in distinguishing its services amidst larger cybersecurity rivals, resulting in a notable drop in its share price since its peak in 2021.
  • Dell has seen advantages from increasing investor interest in AI, with its shares climbing by 46% this year.

Dell Investigates Another Sale of SecureWorks

According to sources familiar with the situation, Dell Technologies is once again considering a potential sale of its cybersecurity division, SecureWorks. This is not the first instance where Dell has attempted to divest the US-based cybersecurity company. Previous efforts to find a buyer were unsuccessful, but Dell is making another attempt by engaging investment bankers at Morgan Stanley and Piper Sandler to assess interest from potential acquirers, including private equity firms.

Dell contemplates potential divestment of SecureWorks again

With a market value estimated at about US$800 million (A$1.17 billion), SecureWorks could attract private equity firms looking to invest within the cybersecurity sector. However, there is no certainty regarding a deal, and Dell may ultimately opt to keep ownership of the firm.

Dell’s Ownership in SecureWorks

Dell currently possesses a 79.2% stake in SecureWorks, primarily via Class B shares, which also grant it control over 97.4% of the voting stock. This controlling position allows Dell to be a key player in any potential sale, enabling it to influence the future direction of SecureWorks largely at its discretion.

Prior Efforts to Sell SecureWorks

This is not the first instance of Dell looking to sell SecureWorks. In 2019, Dell attempted to divest the company as part of its larger strategy to decrease debt. Nonetheless, that initiative did not culminate in a sale. The persistent challenges of differentiating SecureWorks’ offerings in a saturated cybersecurity market have likely fueled Dell’s renewed consideration of selling the business.

Challenges and Market Dynamics for SecureWorks

Established in 1998, SecureWorks has positioned itself as a cybersecurity provider with a suite of security solutions to safeguard businesses from cyber threats. Its cloud-based platform, Taegis, focuses on detecting advanced threats. Despite these capabilities, SecureWorks has found it challenging to compete with larger cybersecurity organizations, a situation reflected in its share price, which has diminished by over two-thirds from its apex in September 2021.

Impact on SecureWorks’ Valuation

The prospect of a potential sale positively affected SecureWorks’ share price, which soared as much as 34% following the announcement. Nevertheless, the stock later moderated its increases, signaling market uncertainty regarding the feasibility of a deal. The company is expected to disclose its second-quarter performance on September 5, which may offer additional clarity on its results and future outlook.

Dell’s Broader Strategic Focus and AI Growth

In recent years, Dell has been divesting non-core assets as a component of a wider strategy to optimize its operations and mitigate debt. Concurrently, Dell has capitalized on heightened investor enthusiasm for artificial intelligence (AI). The demand for the company’s AI-oriented servers has surged, leading to a 46% rise in Dell’s share price this year, significantly outperforming the S&P 500 index, which has climbed by 18%.


Dell Technologies is contemplating selling SecureWorks, a cybersecurity firm it initially purchased in 2011. Despite prior unsuccessful attempts to divest the company, Dell is re-examining the option of a sale through the expertise of investment bankers from Morgan Stanley and Piper Sandler. SecureWorks is currently valued at around US$800 million (A$1.17 billion) and has struggled to stand out in a competitive landscape. While a sale is not assured, the news has already influenced SecureWorks’ share price, which saw a substantial increase before retracting somewhat. Dell’s strategy of disposing of non-core assets and leveraging AI market trends has bolstered its performance this year.

Q: What prompts Dell to consider divesting SecureWorks?

A: Dell is reassessing the sale as part of a broader strategy to streamline operations and decrease debt. Previous attempts to sell SecureWorks did not come to fruition, but Dell is making another effort, likely due to ongoing difficulties faced by SecureWorks in distinguishing itself within a crowded cybersecurity market.

Q: What is the current market value of SecureWorks?

A: SecureWorks holds a market value of approximately US$800 million (A$1.17 billion).

Q: What are SecureWorks’ primary service offerings?

A: SecureWorks provides a cloud-based platform named Taegis, aimed at identifying advanced cyber threats and delivering security solutions for corporations against cyber intrusions.

Q: How much ownership does Dell have in SecureWorks?

A: Dell owns 79.2% of SecureWorks via its Class B shares, which confer control over 97.4% of the company’s voting rights.

Q: What effect did the sale news have on SecureWorks’ stock price?

A: The announcement led to a rise in SecureWorks’ share price by as much as 34% before moderating, highlighting market skepticism about the likelihood of a sale.

Q: How does artificial intelligence (AI) factor into Dell’s current business strategy?

A: Dell has seen gains from increasing investor focus on AI, which has driven strong demand for its AI-centric servers. This trend has led to a 46% rise in Dell’s share price this year, outpacing the broader S&P 500 index.

Achieve Huge Discounts on Samsung OLED TVs and Monitors for Dad—Limited-Time Aussie Sale Happening Now!

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Samsung’s OLED Extravaganza: Special Offers for Australian Consumers

Starting today (29 August) through September 11th, Australians have the chance to take advantage of incredible savings on Samsung’s high-end line of OLED TVs and Odyssey OLED gaming monitors. With Father’s Day approaching, this presents an ideal moment to enhance your home entertainment or pamper Dad with top-tier OLED technology.


  • Exclusive Australian promotion on Samsung OLED TVs and monitors from 29 August to 11 September 2024.
  • Discounts reaching up to 37% on select Samsung OLED offerings.
  • Featured bargains include $300 off the 49” Odyssey OLED G9 Curved Gaming Monitor and discounts of up to $1,200 on the 83” S90D 4K Smart TV.
  • Sale accessible through prominent Australian retailers, resellers, and the Samsung Online Store.
  • Perfect timing for a Father’s Day gift with premium gaming monitors and TVs equipped with Samsung’s latest innovations.

Exclusive Deals Throughout Samsung’s OLED Collection

Samsung has kicked off a unique sale in Australia, providing discounts of up to 37% on a handpicked selection of their most acclaimed OLED TVs and gaming monitors. Running from August 29 to September 11, 2024, the sale features a diverse range of models to satisfy anyone looking to elevate their home entertainment or gaming experience.

What Makes Samsung’s OLED Technology Unique

Renowned for being at the forefront of display technology, Samsung consistently introduces products that set industry standards. Their OLED TVs are celebrated for their deep blacks, vivid colors, and state-of-the-art features. Similarly, Samsung’s Odyssey OLED gaming monitors deliver exceptional image clarity, seamless performance, and immersive experiences with their ultra-wide curved displays.

Samsung Odyssey OLED Gaming Monitors: A Gamer’s Paradise

Gamers, prepare to dive into the ultimate immersive gameplay with Samsung’s Odyssey OLED gaming monitors. During this event, enjoy savings of up to $300 on the flagship 49” Odyssey OLED G9 Curved DQHD monitor. This monitor revolutionizes gaming by offering a viewing area similar to two 27” widescreen monitors, eliminating any pesky bezels in between.

The 34” Odyssey OLED G8 Curved WQHD monitor is also on offer with up to $200 off. Both models boast Samsung’s Thermal Modulation System, which smartly manages brightness to minimize heat and optimize performance. Plus, the OLED Glare-Free technology ensures a distraction-free gaming experience anytime, day or night.

OLED TVs: Enhance Your Home Entertainment Experience

Samsung’s OLED TVs are likewise featured in this remarkable sale. Whether you’re a sports enthusiast gearing up for the finals or a cinephile, these TVs promise an unparalleled viewing experience. Notable models like the 77-inch S95D OLED Smart TV see a 10% discount, making it an excellent opportunity to enjoy Samsung’s Pantone-certified color precision, anti-glare technology, and Dolby Atmos sound.

For those seeking the ultimate big-screen adventure, the 83-inch S90D 4K Smart TV is available with an impressive $1,200 off. This TV is crafted to provide lifelike colors, rich blacks, and smooth motion, perfect for fast-paced sports and thrilling films.

Complete List of Samsung OLED Sale Items

The subsequent items are included in Samsung’s OLED Extraordinary Sale:

Product Model Sale Price Discount RRP at Time of Publication Stockist
77″ S95D OLED 4K Smart TV (QA77S95DAWXXY) $7,199 10% $7,999 Available through major Australian retailers and from 29 August – 11 September 2024
83” S90D OLED 4K Smart TV (QA83S90DAEXXY) $6,799 15% $7,999 Available through major Australian retailers and from 29 August – 11 September 2024
77” S90D OLED 4K Smart TV (QA77S90DAEXXY) $4,999 17% $5,999 Available through major Australian retailers and from 29 August – 11 September 2024
65″ S95D OLED 4K Smart TV (QA65S95DAWXXY) $4,499 10% $4,999 Available through major Australian retailers and from 29 August – 11 September 2024
55″ S95D OLED 4K Smart TV (QA55S95DAWXXY) $3,499 13% $3,999 Available through major Australian retailers and from 29 August – 11 September 2024
65″ S90D OLED 4K Smart TV (QA65S90DAWXXY) $3,499 18% $4,299 Available through major Australian retailers and from 29 August – 11 September 2024
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AI’s Pursuit of US Energy Encounters Tough Rivalry from Bitcoin Mining

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Brief Overview

  • American tech firms are competing for the electricity resources owned by bitcoin miners to power their AI and cloud computing data centres.
  • By 2030, data centres in the US might consume as much as 9% of the nation’s electricity, effectively more than doubling their current demand.
  • Bitcoin miners are shifting towards leasing or selling their energy-related infrastructure to major technology firms such as Amazon and Microsoft.
  • Transforming bitcoin mining sites for AI and cloud computing can substantially enhance the value of these locations.
  • The transition from bitcoin mining to AI data centres poses significant hurdles, including elevated costs and technological obstacles.

AI and Bitcoin Miners in Race for Limited US Energy Supply

AI's race for US energy intersects with bitcoin mining infrastructure

Rising Electricity Demand

The United States is experiencing an extraordinary increase in electricity demand primarily fueled by the rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud computing data centres. The Electric Power Research Institute estimates that data centres could account for as much as 9% of total electricity generated in the US by the decade’s end. This represents more than double their current usage, signifying the most rapid increase in electricity demand since the early 2000s.

Conversely, cryptocurrency mining, which used to dominate the energy-driven computing environment, now makes up approximately 0.4% of global electricity consumption, according to the International Energy Agency. However, the widening gap between the electricity needs of AI data centres and crypto miners is pushing these industries into direct conflict over energy assets.

Bitcoin Miners Shift Towards AI and Cloud Solutions

With tech leaders like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google racing to secure energy for their expanding data centres, bitcoin miners find themselves in a distinctive position. Some are capitalizing on this situation by leasing or selling their energy-connected infrastructure to these tech corporations, while others are struggling to maintain their energy supply.

For example, Marathon Digital Holdings, the largest publicly traded bitcoin miner globally, reportedly showed interest in acquiring a nuclear-powered data centre owned by Talen Energy in Pennsylvania. Ultimately, Amazon, with its considerably larger market valuation, purchased the centre in a deal revealed in March, obtaining enough electricity to power nearly all households in New Mexico.

The transition from crypto mining to AI and cloud computing is becoming increasingly common among sizable bitcoin miners. TeraWulf, a bitcoin mining entity with a facility in upstate New York that can handle up to 770 megawatts (MW), has attracted interest from leading technology firms such as Amazon and Google. This trend accelerated in June when Core Scientific, a bitcoin miner emerging from bankruptcy, announced a considerable agreement to lease its energy-connected properties to Nvidia-backed CoreWeave, with deals projected to surpass US$6.7 billion (A$9.9 billion) over a 12-year period.

Obstacles in Transitioning to AI Data Centres

Despite the potential for considerable financial benefits, the shift from bitcoin mining to AI and cloud computing is not without its difficulties. Numerous bitcoin miners may lack a complete understanding of the challenges involved in creating and managing AI data centres. Zach Bradford, CEO of CleanSpark, pointed out that while bitcoin mines can be established in as little as six to 12 months, a sophisticated data centre might require up to three years to build.

Additionally, the technical demands for AI data centres, such as specialized cooling systems and other infrastructure, are significantly more rigorous than those for crypto mining. The high expenses related to these enhancements may be prohibitively expensive for many bitcoin miners, particularly those who faced capital restrictions following the 2022 bitcoin price downturn.

Sergii Gerasymovych, CEO of EZ Blockchain, underscored the challenges that smaller bitcoin miners encounter when competing with well-funded AI firms. For instance, EZ Blockchain was working on a 10-MW project with a utility in South Carolina until that utility contracted for 100 MW with a prominent AI company. These hyperscalers, which encompass the world’s top technology firms, operate extensive global networks of data centres and cloud infrastructure with billions of dollars readily available.


As American technology companies aggressively enhance their AI and cloud computing capabilities, they are increasingly vying with bitcoin miners for a diminishing electricity supply. Although some bitcoin miners are benefiting from this trend through leasing or selling their energy-connected assets, the transition to AI data centres faces numerous challenges, including high costs, lengthy construction periods, and technical intricacies. As the competition for energy escalates, significant transformations in both industries might unfold in the near future.

Q: Why are technology companies and bitcoin miners vying for electricity?


Technology firms are rapidly advancing their AI and cloud computing data centres, which necessitate large quantities of electricity. Bitcoin miners, who also consume considerable energy, find themselves in competition with these tech giants for a limited electricity supply.

Q: What percentage of electricity could data centres utilize in the US by 2030?


Data centres in the United States might consume as much as 9% of the nation’s electricity by 2030, more than doubling their current usage, as reported by the Electric Power Research Institute.

Q: How are some bitcoin miners adapting to this competitive environment?


Many bitcoin miners are transitioning to lease or sell their energy-connected infrastructure to AI and cloud computing enterprises. This strategic shift can significantly enhance the worth of their facilities as these locations gain importance for tech companies seeking rapid growth.

Q: What hurdles do bitcoin miners face when relocating to AI data centres?


Transitioning to AI data centres encompasses high expenses, extended construction timelines, and technical complexities such as the requirement for specialized cooling systems. Moreover, many bitcoin miners may lack the necessary capital and expertise to effectively navigate this transition.

Q: How are smaller bitcoin miners impacted by this trend?


Smaller bitcoin miners might find it challenging to compete with well-capitalized AI firms, which possess the financial means to quickly secure substantial electricity supplies. This situation could compel smaller miners to exit the market or lead them to sell their assets to larger tech corporations.

Q: What is the potential increase in value for bitcoin mining properties converted for AI use?


Repurposing bitcoin mining sites for AI and cloud computing could increase their value up to fivefold, based on analysis from Morgan Stanley, as these facilities become essential for tech enterprises aiming for rapid expansion.

Q: Are all bitcoin miners transitioning to AI or cloud computing?


Not every bitcoin miner is making the shift to AI or cloud computing. Some, like CleanSpark, intend to continue focusing on cryptocurrency mining, citing the technical and financial complexities involved in moving towards AI data centres.

Discovering the Unexpected Benefits of Retaining Older Technology in Operation

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Quick Read: Essential Insights on the Advantages of Retaining Older Technology

  • Older tech frequently remains functional and dependable long after warranty periods end.
  • Organizations can realize considerable savings by prolonging the use of current technology assets.
  • Environmental advantages consist of decreased e-waste and resource conservation.
  • An increasing number of tech executives are reevaluating the urgency to upgrade, opting instead to concentrate on maintenance and performance.
  • Legacy systems can still provide strong security, particularly with regular updates and maintenance.

The Continuing Value of Older Technology

The Advantages of Sustaining Older Technology

In a time when the latest devices and software updates are heavily advertised, it’s simple to miss the significance of older technology. Nevertheless, many tech assets in organizations today are capable of operating effectively, even after their warranties are no longer valid. As James Burns, General Manager for Southern Region Sales at Interactive, has emphasized, numerous technology leaders are starting to raise essential inquiries about the need for continual upgrades.

Cost Benefits of Prolonged Use

One of the strongest arguments for maintaining older technology is the substantial cost savings it can provide. The financial strain of acquiring new hardware and software can be considerable, particularly for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). By sustaining and enhancing current technology, businesses can sidestep these expenses and reallocate those funds to other vital sectors.

Environmental Considerations: Minimizing E-Waste

In addition to financial motivations, there is an increasing awareness of the environmental consequences of technology disposal. E-waste presents a considerable global issue, and Australia is no exception. By prolonging the lifespan of older tech, companies can help decrease the volume of electronic waste that ends up in landfills. This strategy also preserves the resources necessary for manufacturing new devices, aligning with broader sustainability objectives.

Security Aspects

While older systems may sometimes be more susceptible if not properly maintained, they can still deliver robust security when regularly updated. Numerous older systems have demonstrated remarkable resilience against cyber threats, especially when kept current with the latest security patches and best practices. Furthermore, the familiarity of legacy systems can make them simpler to manage and secure.

Dependability and Functionality

Older technology that has received proper upkeep usually continues to operate reliably. Many legacy systems were designed for longevity, allowing them to outlast newer, more delicate options. In mission-critical settings, where stability and reliability are crucial, older tech can still have an essential function.


The choice to retain older technology in service offers various advantages, from cost savings to eco-friendliness. As more organizations reconsider the haste to upgrade, it’s evident that older tech still holds a significant position in today’s digital world. By emphasizing maintenance, security, and performance, businesses can extend the lifespan of their tech assets and promote a more sustainable future.

Q: What are the main financial advantages of keeping older technology in service?

A: Extending the lifespan of existing technology assets can help businesses save significantly on costs related to acquiring new hardware and software. These savings can then be redirected towards other business areas, such as innovation or employee training.

Q: How does preserving older tech benefit environmental sustainability?

A: Maintaining older technology in service reduces the volume of electronic waste generated and conserves resources needed for new device production. This strategy aids in lessening the environmental effects associated with the rapid upgrade cycles common in the tech industry.

Q: Is it safe to keep utilizing older technology with regards to security?

A: Indeed, older technology can remain secure if it is consistently updated with the latest security patches and maintained according to best practices. Many legacy systems are resilient and can be effectively managed to guard against cyber threats.

Q: What are the possible disadvantages of using older technology?

A: Potential disadvantages may include compatibility challenges with newer software, the necessity for more frequent maintenance, and decreased vendor support. However, these issues can often be managed with a proactive system management approach.

Telstra Activates Workforce to Address Retail Increases and Natural Events

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Telstra’s Innovative Workforce Strategy: Transforming Supply Chain Management

Telstra, Australia’s leading telecommunications provider, is utilizing a thorough enterprise resource planning (ERP) transformation to flexibly manage its workforce across various supply chains. This project, which is part of Telstra’s extensive supply chain renewal, is essential for handling peak retail times and reacting to natural disasters. By incorporating SAP Integrated Business Planning (IBP) and streamlining ERP systems, the company is creating a more agile, resilient, and efficient supply chain.

Quick Overview

  • Telstra is improving workforce mobility as a key component of a wider ERP transformation.
  • The company has unified several outdated ERP systems into one SAP S/4HANA-driven system.
  • Telstra’s three unique supply chains now function within a cohesive technological ecosystem.
  • Enhanced workforce mobility has increased efficiency, enabling rapid staff reallocation during peak demands or crises.
  • The ERP transformation is projected to yield over $50 million in IT platform benefits by the fiscal year 2026.

Unified Supply Chain Management: A Fresh Chapter for Telstra

Recent developments in Telstra’s supply chain management have resulted from a multi-year effort aimed at streamlining its technological infrastructure. Directed by Jenni Decker, Principal of Supply Chain Planning, Retail, and Industrial, the company adopted SAP Integrated Business Planning (IBP) as a standard technology layer across all its supply chains. This initiative is further bolstered by the integration of ERP systems and the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning within the device supply chain.

Three Unique Supply Chains, One Unified Strategy

Telstra manages three separate supply chains:

  1. Spare Parts Supply Chain: This chain is tasked with supplying spare parts to resolve network issues.
  2. Build Supply Chain: This chain aids in the construction and maintenance of Telstra’s network, including 5G deployments.
  3. Devices Supply Chain: This supply chain is responsible for providing mobile phones, modems, and accessories to wholesale, retail, and enterprise clients.

Previously, these supply chains functioned independently, each with distinct technologies and processes, resulting in inefficiencies. The absence of a cohesive system meant that similar challenges necessitated redundant solutions within each supply chain. This inefficiency became a critical area for enhancement as Telstra initiated its transformation journey.

Transitioning from Outsourcing to Insourcing: A Strategic Change

Around five to six years ago, Telstra opted to insource its supply chain operations after over a decade of outsourcing to two different partners. This decision aimed to reclaim control over its processes and capabilities, which had significantly diverged during the outsourcing phase. The insourcing initiative set the foundation for the current ERP unification and supply chain planning enhancements.

ERP Unification: Streamlining Operations with SAP S/4HANA

A key element of Telstra’s transformation is the unification of its ERP systems. In partnership with Accenture, Telstra successfully integrated three distinct legacy ERP systems (Oracle and SAP ECC) into a single, combined corporate ERP based on S/4HANA Private Cloud Edition, hosted on Microsoft Azure. This new system, known internally as ‘SAPphire’, represents a substantial shift towards standardized and simplified operations throughout the organization.

Telstra supply chain architecture consolidation with SAP technology

The SAPphire rollout commenced with Telstra’s international operations in April 2022, involving roughly 200 finance users. This was succeeded by a broader implementation for its domestic operations in July 2023, which now accommodates approximately 2,500 users across finance, procurement, and supply chain roles in 14 countries. Telstra anticipates that the SAPphire initiative will generate over $50 million in IT platform benefits by FY26, including $9 million in recurring annual savings.

Workforce Mobility: A Transformative Advantage for Telstra

A major advantage of the integrated supply chain planning and ERP systems is the improved workforce mobility. With all supply chains utilizing the same technology, Telstra can agilely reallocate personnel between supply chains in response to demand. This ability has been vital during peak retail times, like Black Friday and Christmas, as well as during natural disasters when demand for network repairs surges.

Telstra shifts staff between supply chains during retail peaks and natural disasters

Jenni Decker emphasized that this workforce mobility not only benefits Telstra but also offers significant career development avenues for employees. Team members can now acquire experience across various supply chains, enhancing their skills and expanding their industry knowledge.


Telstra’s extensive overhaul of its supply chain management, through the introduction of SAP IBP and the consolidation of ERP systems, has resulted in notable enhancements in efficiency and workforce mobility. The capacity to dynamically shift personnel across supply chains during peak and emergency situations has proven transformative for the organization, allowing it to more effectively support its growth trajectory and deliver improved services to its customers. This transformation is expected to significantly impact the company’s financial performance, with substantial IT platform benefits anticipated by FY26.

Q: What is the primary aim of Telstra’s ERP transformation?


The main aim of Telstra’s ERP transformation is to simplify and standardize operations across finance, procurement, and supply chain management. This is accomplished by merging multiple obsolete ERP systems into a single SAP S/4HANA-based system, facilitating more effective and integrated operations.

Q: How does the new supply chain management system benefit Telstra?


The updated supply chain management system allows Telstra to flexibly reallocate its workforce across different supply chains in line with demand. This adaptability is especially advantageous during peak retail seasons and natural disasters, enabling the organization to react more swiftly and effectively to evolving circumstances.

Q: What financial benefits are anticipated from the SAPphire program?


Telstra expects the SAPphire program to yield over $50 million in IT platform benefits by FY26, along with an additional $9 million in recurring annual benefits. These savings arise from the consolidation and simplification of operations throughout the organization.

Q: What impact has workforce mobility had on Telstra’s workforce?


Workforce mobility has granted Telstra employees enhanced career development opportunities. Staff members can now gather experience across various supply chains, improving their skills and expanding their industry acumen. This mobility also facilitates faster and more effective responses to evolving business demands.

Samsung’s 2024 Robotic Vacuums Are More Intelligent Than Ever, Thanks to Advanced AI

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Fast Overview

  • Samsung Australia has announced its AI-driven robot vacuum range for 2024, featuring the top-of-the-line Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI and the budget-friendly Bespoke Jet Bot Combo.
  • The Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI includes integrated vacuuming and mopping functions, enhanced with cutting-edge AI technology for an exceptional cleaning experience.
  • Notable features include AI Object and Stain Recognition, AI Floor Detect, and the Integrated Clean Station Steam+ for sanitary maintenance.
  • Users can control both models remotely via the SmartThings app, which offers live cleaning updates, 3D mapping, and voice commands through Bixby.
  • Pricing for the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI is $2,499, while the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo costs $1,999 in Australia.

Samsung’s Latest AI-Enhanced Robot Vacuums: Transforming Cleaning in Australia

Samsung's 2024 Robot Vacuums Are More Intelligent Than Ever, Thanks to State-of-the-Art AI

Samsung Australia has made significant strides in transforming home cleaning with its newest lineup of robot vacuums. At the forefront is the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI, a multifunctional vacuum and mop that aims to make household tasks nearly effortless. Accompanied by the more economical Bespoke Jet Bot Combo, this 2024 collection is filled with innovative AI features intended to streamline and improve the cleaning process.

The Future Lies in AI-Driven Cleaning

The interest in smart home gadgets has been on the rise in Australia, fuelled by the challenges of contemporary living. Consumers are searching for devices capable of efficient performance while adjusting to their unique preferences. Samsung’s latest robot vacuums endeavor to fulfill these demands by incorporating sophisticated AI functionalities.

Jeremy Senior, the Vice President of Consumer Electronics at Samsung Australia, noted that Australians are increasingly on the lookout for inventive solutions that enhance their lifestyles. “Our robot vacuums provide top-tier, hassle-free cleaning solutions, giving Australians the freedom to enjoy more of what they love rather than dealing with cleaning chores,” he stated.

Comprehensive Cleaning Solutions

The Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI is distinguished by its versatility, merging vacuuming and mopping into a single smart platform. Featuring the Integrated Clean Station Steam+, this model autonomously empties dust, cleans and sanitizes mop pads using heated water, and dries them with warm air. It even applies steam to mop pads to eliminate up to 99.99% of certain harmful bacteria and neutralize unpleasant smells. The mop pads rotate at an impressive 170 RPM, effectively tackling even the most persistent stains.

AI-Enhanced Features for Superior Cleaning

A particularly impressive aspect of the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI is its AI Object and Stain Recognition capability. Utilizing built-in cameras and sophisticated AI algorithms, the robot can recognize various objects, areas, and stains, modifying its cleaning strategy as needed. This capability is accompanied by the Stained Area Deep Cleaning mode, allowing the robot to revisit stained spots for a more intense clean using heated mop pads.

Another innovative function is AI Floor Detect, enabling the robot to differentiate between diverse floor types, like hard surfaces and carpets. When it detects a carpet, it automatically adjusts its 6000Pa suction power to ensure that dirt embedded deep within the fibers is thoroughly extracted. This function also helps keep carpets dry during mopping.

Smart Connectivity and Management

Both the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI and the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo come with seamless integration via Samsung’s SmartThings app. Users can manage and monitor their robot vacuum remotely, scheduling cleaning times, selecting different modes, and even establishing virtual “no-go” areas within their homes. The dToF LiDAR sensor allows the robot to create a 3D map of the home, taking furniture and appliances into account for efficient cleaning.

For those who favor voice control, the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI features Bixby voice recognition. This allows users to direct the robot to commence cleaning, empty its dustbin, or pinpoint its location within the house using straightforward voice commands.

Real-Time Cleaning Reports and Logs

Monitoring the robot’s cleaning performance is simplified with the Live Cleaning Report function. Users can observe a real-time digital map of their home during cleaning, with the ability to pause or halt the process if necessary. Once cleaning is finished, users can review the cleaning logs to check which areas were addressed, the duration of the cleaning session, and the robot’s cleaning path.

Launch and Pricing

Samsung’s newly introduced robot vacuum models are currently available in Australia. The Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI retails for $2,499, while the more accessible Bespoke Jet Bot Combo is offered at $1,999. Both models can be acquired through Samsung’s online store and select retailers nationwide.


Samsung’s 2024 robot vacuum series is poised to transform home cleaning in Australia. With the premier Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI leading the way, these AI-enhanced devices feature an array of advanced functionalities that promise to alleviate household cleaning tasks. From AI Object and Stain Recognition to the convenience of voice control via Bixby, these robots are tailored to navigate the complexities of modern lifestyles, allowing Australians to concentrate on what truly counts.

Q: What differentiates the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI from other robot vacuums?

A: The Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI is notable for its combined vacuuming and mopping capacities, augmented by advanced AI capabilities like AI Object and Stain Recognition, AI Floor Detect, and the Integrated Clean Station Steam+ for sanitary upkeep.

Q: Is remote control available for the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI?

A: Yes, you can remotely manage and oversee the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI using the SmartThings app on your compatible smartphone, which allows you to set cleaning schedules, initiate various cleaning modes, and designate virtual “no-go” areas.

Q: How does the robot vacuum adapt to various flooring types?

A: The Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI utilizes AI Floor Detect to identify hard surfaces and carpets. Upon encountering a carpet, it automatically increases its suction power for deep cleaning and can lift or detach its mop pads to keep carpets dry.

Q: What is the pricing for the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI in Australia?

A: The Bespoke Jet Bot Combo AI is priced at $2,499, while the more affordable Bespoke Jet Bot Combo is available for $1,999. Both models can be purchased through Samsung’s online store and select retailers across the country.