Figure 02 Humanoid Robot Reveals Significant Enhancements

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Figure 02 Humanoid Robot Introduces Significant Enhancements

Recently, the robotics firm Figure has unveiled a new trailer showcasing their forthcoming Figure 02 robot.


  • The Figure 02 robot highlights substantial hardware improvements, including foot, hips, legs, and hand design.
  • New actuators provide specific torque and movement range for greater efficiency.
  • Revolutionary bendable structures enhance safety and versatility.
  • Advanced hand design closely resembling human manipulation capabilities.
  • Teaser illustrates a preview of the head and battery configuration, with the complete reveal scheduled for August 6th.


The video begins with a detailed view of the robot’s foot, exhibiting a completely reinvented approach to how the robot engages with the ground.

In the side view, we observe a foot that mimics the shape of a human foot, tapering down to the toes in a manner that would comfortably fit a shoe.

What truly sets this foot apart from human prototypes is the rear, featuring a space between the ankle and the heel. As the camera rotates to showcase the back, we see the foot lift, initiating the walking motion.

From this angle, the gap and the angled joint enable the foot to rotate, imitating the movement of human feet and ankles in a remarkably natural manner.

The underside of the foot reveals textured protrusions, clearly designed to enhance grip as the robot traverses various surfaces. Materials like tiles or wet concrete could be slippery, and this grip should aid in stabilizing the foot as the robot progresses. However, it does raise concerns about potential wear over time.

Hips and Legs

The video ascends the body, unveiling a collection of new actuators. The following list details the capabilities of each actuator featured in the video. These actuators are integrated throughout the knees and hips of the Figure 02 robot.

  • A2 – Torque 50Nm, Range of Movement (ROM) – 48°
  • L4 – Torque – 150Nm, ROM 135°
  • L1 – Torque – 150Nm, ROM 195°

As the video progresses, we notice the legs are designed symmetrically, swapping positions from left to right. Standardizing components on both sides minimizes manufacturing complexity and costs, allowing software to adapt for usage on either side of the body.


The competition in the humanoid robot sector is intensely fierce, and actuator design is a crucial differentiator. Purchasing ready-made solutions isn’t feasible, and Figure showcases a disassembled actuator, illustrating components often hidden from view, which I believe is crucial in the design process.


Posted by David Leane

David Leane is a Sydney-based Editor and audio engineer.

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