Australian Unity Achieves Successful Implementation of 7 From 78 AI Applications

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Australian Unity Effectively Deploys AI Technology

Quick Summary

  • Australian Unity moves 7 AI use cases into production from a total of 78 identified.
  • The organisation takes a prudent stance towards AI deployment.
  • One use case features a machine learning tool created by BigID for scanning sensitive information.
  • This tool assists in finding and handling sensitive data across various storage systems.
  • Different data management regulations apply across sectors such as health insurance and wealth management.

Australian Unity’s Tactical AI Deployment

Australian Unity, a prominent mutual organization engaged in varied sectors including banking, financial advisement, retirement living, and private health insurance, has proficiently advanced seven AI use cases out of the 78 potential opportunities identified. This strategic yet careful methodology of AI adoption was underscored by Craig Rowlands, General Manager of Data and Analytics, at the Gartner Data & Analytics Summit.

Australian Unity Achieves Successful Implementation of 7 From 78 AI Applications

AI Use Cases Entering Production

Rowlands revealed that the AI deployment process at Australian Unity starts with in-house development of solutions to verify their effectiveness prior to rollout for members and customers. From 78 AI use cases in their framework, seven have transitioned to a production phase, while the others remain at various development stages, from business case initiation to minimum viable product (MVP).

BigID’s Machine Learning Solution

A significant AI use case includes a machine learning tool from BigID, tailored to scan the organisation’s ecosystem for sensitive data. This tool has been pivotal in pinpointing personally identifiable information (PII), health records, financial data, confidential business data, and intellectual properties within Australian Unity’s data repositories.

Rowlands elaborated that BigID’s tool facilitates the identification of sensitive data in both originating and source systems, as well as in any copies that may inhabit the environment. Recently, the tool pinpointed sensitive information within a new folder on a shared drive, enabling the organisation to promptly resolve the issue.

Rules for Data Management and Lifecycle

The tool’s capacity to distinguish data management and lifecycle rules across various divisions of Australian Unity’s business, such as health insurance and wealth management, adds further value. Each division maintains separate retention policies, and the tool aids in ensuring adherence to these diverse regulations.


Australian Unity’s deliberate and systematic method toward AI deployment has resulted in the successful advancement of seven out of 78 recognized AI use cases. With solutions like BigID’s machine learning data scanner, the organisation enhances its ability to handle sensitive data while complying with varied data lifecycle regulations across its sectors. This tactical approach underscores the significance of cautious AI adoption in realizing substantial and enduring outcomes.


Q: Why is Australian Unity taking a cautious approach to AI?


Australian Unity traditionally adheres to a risk-averse philosophy, emphasizing the need for AI solutions to be effective and secure before introduction to members and customers.

Q: What function does BigID’s machine learning tool serve in Australian Unity’s AI strategy?


BigID’s tool scans for sensitive data throughout the organisation’s landscape, assisting in the identification and management of PII, health information, financial data, and other sensitive assets.

Q: How many AI use cases has Australian Unity transitioned to production?


From 78 identified AI use cases, Australian Unity has transitioned seven into the production phase.

Q: What kinds of data does the BigID tool assist in managing?


The tool aids in managing various forms of sensitive data, including personally identifiable information, health records, financial details, confidential business data, and intellectual property.

Q: How does Australian Unity manage varying data lifecycle rules?


The organization utilizes solutions like BigID to guarantee compliance with the distinctly different data management and retention regulations relevant to various divisions of its operations, such as health insurance and wealth management.

Q: What are the phases of AI use case development at Australian Unity?


AI use cases at Australian Unity progress through stages ranging from business case initiation to MVP and subsequently towards a production result.

Posted by David Leane

David Leane is a Sydney-based Editor and audio engineer.

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