Tech Leaders Address Third-Party Risk: Protecting the Contemporary Business

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Protecting Contemporary Businesses: Managing Third-Party Risks

Protecting Contemporary Businesses: Managing Third-Party Risks

Quick Overview

  • Managing third-party risks is essential in a highly connected business landscape.
  • Robust programs result in fewer data breaches and improved regulatory compliance.
  • Key strategies include API security, principles of zero trust, and ongoing monitoring.
  • Clarity in security practices enhances trust and operational effectiveness.

Comprehending Third-Party Risk Management

In a highly interconnected environment, enterprises need to extend their focus beyond internal security frameworks. Bhupinder Singh, President of Asia Pacific and Middle East at Vodafone Business, highlighted the necessity of addressing risks stemming from partnerships with third parties. He remarked, “We are required to partner with third parties, which brings forth extra risks that need effective management.”

Andy Linham, Principal Strategy Manager, compared businesses to fortified buildings, indicating that third-party associates resemble merchants and suppliers entering and exiting these buildings. “While we strengthen the barriers, we must also ensure the security of our engagements with these vital partners to mitigate potential risks,” Linham elaborated.

Establishing a Secure Network

Effective third-party risk management can offer substantial advantages to modern enterprises. As Singh pointed out, organizations with solid risk management frameworks encounter 20% fewer data breaches and have a 2.5 times greater chance of achieving regulatory compliance, paving the way for global growth.

Linham indicated that businesses that focus on security within third-party relations tend to enjoy increased trust and loyalty. “60% of such companies report improved partner connections,” he affirmed.

Technological Innovations and Ongoing Enhancement

Linham underscored the necessity of API security, advising safeguards for both north-south and east-west API traffic. He also recommended the adoption of zero trust network access (ZTNA) and cloud access security brokers (CASB) to strengthen security initiatives.

Singh urged for continuous oversight and reporting to secure ongoing safety. “Expansion relies on perpetual evaluation,” he stated, proposing thorough vendor risk assessments and compliance with zero trust methodologies.

Practical Guidance for Enterprises

Linham encouraged technology leaders to meticulously scrutinize their suppliers’ security protocols. “Reliable partners ought to openly demonstrate how they safeguard your data,” he observed.

Singh highlighted the necessity of nurturing a culture that prioritizes security across the supply chain to lower risks. “Security encourages regulatory compliance, operational efficiencies, trust, and organizational resilience,” he concluded.

For further insights, register for the on-demand webinar here.

Tech Leaders Address Third-Party Risk: Protecting the Contemporary Business


Ensuring the safety of modern enterprises in an interconnected world necessitates a robust third-party risk management approach. By employing effective strategies, businesses can minimize data breaches, boost regulatory adherence, and cultivate stronger affiliate relationships. Leveraging technological solutions like API security, zero trust, and consistent monitoring is vital for sustaining a secure business environment.

Q&A Segment

Q: What is the significance of third-party risk management?

A: Third-party risk management is vital as it assists organizations in handling and reducing risks linked to partnerships beyond their internal frameworks, thereby ensuring data protection and adherence to regulations.

Q: What advantages come from effective third-party risk management?

A: Firms with robust risk management strategies see fewer instances of data breaches, better regulatory compliance, and enhanced relationships with partners.

Q: What technological tools can enhance third-party risk management?

A: The adoption of API security, zero trust network access, and cloud access security brokers are critical strategies for strengthening third-party risk management.

Q: How can companies promote a culture of security awareness?

A: Organizations can foster a security-conscious culture by advocating transparency in security practices, performing regular evaluations, and incorporating security measures throughout the supply chain.

Posted by Nicholas Webb

Nicholas Webb is a Queensland-based Consumer Technology Editor at Techbest focused on connected home and streaming products.

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