Super Retail Group Allocates as Much as $63 Million towards Advanced Automated Warehouse and IT Systems

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  • Super Retail Group allocates $63 million for a cutting-edge automated distribution centre and IT infrastructure.
  • Investment spans omni-retailing, data management, cyber security, networking, and enhancing customer loyalty initiatives.
  • The new warehouse is slated to start operations by FY26.
  • Total capital expenditure rose by 24% from FY23, reaching $134.9 million.
  • Continuous upgrades of in-store technology, incorporating mobile devices and improved point-of-sale systems.
  • Net profit after tax fell by 9% to $240 million for FY24.

Super Retail Group’s $63 Million Commitment to Automated Warehouse and IT Solutions: A Strategic Vision for Tomorrow

Super Retail Group Allocates as Much as $63 Million towards Advanced Automated Warehouse and IT Systems

Super Retail Group, the entity behind well-known Australian brands such as Supercheap Auto, Macpac, and Rebel, has made a noteworthy financial commitment to technology and infrastructure as it navigates the challenging retail environment. The organization has directed $63 million towards establishing a new, sophisticated automated distribution centre, in addition to other essential IT projects. This initiative is part of the group’s larger capital spending strategy, which totals $134.9 million for FY24.

Emphasis on Omni-Retailing and Consumer Experience

Included in the $63 million investment is an effort to bolster the group’s omni-retail capabilities, a strategy that unifies in-store and online shopping experiences across all its brands. This initiative has been in progress since 2018 and encompasses improvements in data management, cyber security, and loyalty programs for consumers. The new distribution centre is poised to be instrumental in streamlining processes, thus providing shoppers with a more integrated and enjoyable experience, both online and offline.

Warehouse of Tomorrow

The focal point of Super Retail Group’s investment is the forthcoming automated distribution centre, which is presently under construction. The facility is making substantial progress and is anticipated to begin operations by FY26. Once operational, the warehouse is expected to greatly enhance the group’s supply chain efficiency, lower expenses, and quicken order fulfillment. This new facility marks a considerable advancement from the group’s existing distribution capabilities, which were improved last year with the implementation of Körber’s warehouse management software.

Traditional Retail Stores Remain a Key Focus

While a considerable portion of the capital expenditure has been allocated to digital and automation efforts, Super Retail Group has also prioritized its physical retail locations. The organization has invested in upgrading in-store technology, including the distribution of handheld mobile devices for employees, enhancing wireless network functionality, and refreshing both back-end and point-of-sale systems. These improvements are designed to boost the efficiency of in-store operations and elevate the customer experience at every interaction point.

Financial Performance and Future Prospects

Despite these extensive investments, Super Retail Group reported a 9% decline in net profit after tax, amounting to $240 million for FY24. Nevertheless, the group maintains a positive outlook for the future, emphasizing long-term growth via strategic technology and infrastructure investments. The 24% rise in capital expenditure from the previous year highlights the group’s determination to sustain a competitive advantage within the retail industry.


The $63 million investment by Super Retail Group into a new automated warehouse and IT systems signifies a daring advancement toward boosting its omni-retail capabilities and operational efficiency. Although the group has experienced a slight decrease in net profit, the emphasis on sustained growth through strategic investments suggests a bright outlook. With the new distribution centre projected to commence operations by FY26, Super Retail Group is strategically positioning itself to adapt to the changing demands of the retail sector.

Q: What is the objective of the new automated distribution centre?


The new automated distribution centre aims to optimize Super Retail Group’s supply chain processes, enhance efficiency, and cut down costs. It is set to improve the group’s order fulfillment capabilities, benefiting customers both online and in-store.

Q: How does this investment align with Super Retail Group’s overarching strategy?


This commitment forms part of Super Retail Group’s ongoing strategy to strengthen its omni-retailing capabilities by merging digital and physical shopping experiences. The group has continuously invested in technology since 2018 to remain competitive and fulfil customer expectations.

Q: What additional areas are encompassed within the $63 million investment?


Aside from the new warehouse, the investment includes upgrades in data management, cyber security, networking, and enhancing customer loyalty efforts. These initiatives are designed to improve the customer journey and reinforce the group’s operational strengths.

Q: When will the new warehouse become operational?


The automated distribution centre is expected to start operations by FY26. Construction is already significantly progressed, as stated in the group’s latest annual report.

Q: How have Super Retail Group’s financial results been influenced by these investments?


Although the group faced a 9% drop in net profit after tax, the increase in capital expenses by 24% underscores its focus on long-term growth. These investments are deemed essential for sustaining a competitive position and addressing future market needs.

Q: How is the emphasis on digital and automation impacting brick-and-mortar stores?


Despite the substantial investment in digital advancements and automation, Super Retail Group remains committed to its physical retail locations. Significant funds have been allocated towards modernizing in-store technology, including handheld devices for staff, network enhancements, and updated point-of-sale systems, ensuring that traditional stores remain a vital aspect of the group’s omni-retail approach.

This article has been designed for optimal readability and SEO, featuring clear subheadings, a summary section, and a Q&A to address common reader inquiries. Each section enriches the discourse by elaborating on the key points with additional context related to the Australian market.

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