OpenAI Discontinues ChatGPT Access for Users in Iran

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OpenAI Restricts Access to ChatGPT for Iranian Organization Linked to US Election Manipulation

OpenAI Discontinues ChatGPT Access for Users in Iran

Quick Overview:

  • OpenAI has restricted access to its ChatGPT service for an Iranian organization known as Storm-2035.
  • This organization utilized ChatGPT to generate content that aimed at influencing the US presidential election and other international issues.
  • Despite their campaigns, the effort saw limited audience interaction.
  • OpenAI remains vigilant in monitoring and addressing the misuse of its AI technology.
  • This incident emphasizes the increasing difficulties of AI-driven content within global political arenas.

Storm-2035: The Iranian Influence Campaign

In a notable action, OpenAI has cut off access to its ChatGPT platform for an Iranian organization recognized as Storm-2035. This group was discovered to be exploiting the AI chatbot to generate content intended to sway significant global occurrences, particularly the imminent US presidential election. The material produced by ChatGPT spanned various contentious subjects, including analysis of US presidential candidates, the ongoing situation in Gaza, and Israel’s role in the Athletic Games.

The Function of AI in Political Manipulation

Storm-2035’s activities serve as a clear illustration of how AI tools, such as ChatGPT, can be misappropriated to produce and spread content aimed at altering public sentiment. While AI provides myriad advantages in content generation, it also introduces complications if used unethically. In this situation, the group took advantage of ChatGPT to craft detailed articles and concise social media messages. Fortunately, OpenAI’s inquiry indicated that the initiative failed to gain substantial momentum, with most posts attracting minimal engagement.

Microsoft’s Role in Monitoring AI Misuse

Microsoft, a principal supporter of OpenAI, has been actively involved in scrutinizing and responding to the unethical use of AI technologies. A report published in August indicated that Storm-2035 was already noted by Microsoft for its divisive messaging targeting US voter demographics. The network had been interacting with diverse political viewpoints on sensitive matters such as LGBTQ rights and the Israel-Hamas issue. Microsoft’s insights were essential in recognizing and mitigating the risks associated with this group.

OpenAI’s Reaction and Continued Vigilance

Following the findings, OpenAI has prohibited the accounts linked to Storm-2035 from accessing its services. The company has also pledged to maintain its vigilance against any future attempts to misuse its AI models. This event is part of a larger trend; earlier in the year, the AI firm disrupted five additional covert influence operations that aimed to exploit its models for deceptive purposes across the web.

The Wider Implications for AI Ethics

The deployment of AI in political influence operations brings forth significant ethical dilemmas. As AI technologies grow in sophistication, the risks of misuse proliferate. This situation highlights the urgency for strong protective measures and oversight mechanisms to avert AI from being weaponized in political or social strife. It also underlines the necessity for global collaboration to tackle the challenges brought about by AI-generated content, especially in the realm of elections and other critical events.


OpenAI has taken firm measures by restricting access to its ChatGPT platform for an Iranian organization known as Storm-2035. The group was utilizing the AI tool to create content aimed at influencing the US presidential election and various global matters. Despite their attempts, the operation showed minimal impact, with the majority of the content garnering little to no interaction. This occurrence underscores the ongoing obstacles in managing AI technology to prevent abuse, particularly in politically charged environments. OpenAI, with Microsoft’s support, stays alert in its mission to combat such unethical applications of its technology.

Q&A: Important Questions Addressed

Q: What objectives did Storm-2035 pursue using ChatGPT?


Storm-2035 sought to sway the US presidential election and other global matters by generating and distributing content across various channels. The focus of the content included contentious topics such as US presidential candidates, the Israel-Hamas conflict, and LGBTQ rights.

Q: How successful was Storm-2035 in shaping public opinion?


OpenAI’s investigation determined that the initiative was largely ineffective. Most of the content produced by Storm-2035 achieved little to no engagement, rendering the influence operation weak.

Q: What actions has OpenAI taken in response to this situation?


OpenAI has disabled the accounts tied to Storm-2035 from accessing its ChatGPT platform. The company is actively monitoring for any further attempts at misuse to ensure its AI technology is not improperly utilized.

Q: How does this incident connect to broader AI ethical concerns?


This situation sheds light on the ethical challenges of AI technology, especially when used to impact political dynamics. It emphasizes the necessity for stringent safeguards and global cooperation to prevent AI from being misused in delicate situations like elections.

Q: Has OpenAI faced similar incidents before?


Indeed, earlier this year, OpenAI intervened in five other covert influence operations that were attempting to use its models for deceptive ends. These cases further illustrate the critical need for vigilance in managing AI technology.

Q: What part did Microsoft play in uncovering this operation?


Microsoft, as a vital supporter of OpenAI, was key in tracking and identifying the actions of Storm-2035. Their threat intelligence report from August underscored the group’s endeavors to engage US voter demographics with divisive messaging, contributing to the decision to restrict access to ChatGPT.

Posted by Nicholas Webb

Nicholas Webb is a Queensland-based Consumer Technology Editor at Techbest focused on connected home and streaming products.

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