NAB Enhances Automation Throughout Its IT Operations for Improved Efficiency

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NAB’s Drive for Automation: Optimizing IT Operations for Enhanced Effectiveness

National Australia Bank (NAB) has embarked on a prolonged endeavor to refine its IT operations via automation, utilizing the capabilities of Red Hat Ansible along with other innovative technologies. This endeavor is a segment of a larger strategy aimed at boosting efficiency, enhancing security, and facilitating dependable service delivery for customers and staff alike.

NAB Enhances Automation Throughout Its IT Operations for Improved Efficiency

(L-R) Enzo Compagnoni from Red Hat and Jason Cooper from NAB.

Quick Overview: Major Insights

  • NAB has adopted Red Hat Ansible to broaden automation within its IT framework.
  • The institution has associated Ansible with significant cybersecurity solutions like CyberArk and Hashicorp Vault.
  • Automation has enhanced operations such as password rotation, certificate oversight, and patch management.
  • NAB’s automation efforts have resulted in significant annual cost reductions.
  • NAB is investigating advanced functionalities such as event-driven Ansible and Ansible’s generative AI resource, Lightspeed.

The Importance of Red Hat Ansible in NAB’s IT Revamp

As part of its continuous quest to refine its IT operations, NAB has incorporated Red Hat Ansible, an infrastructure-as-code utility aimed at automating functions across IT landscapes. Ansible is vital in simplifying various activities that were once manual, labor-intensive, and susceptible to human mistakes.

At the Red Hat Connect forum in Melbourne, NAB’s Network Application Security and Automation Manager, Jason Cooper, underscored the institution’s progress. “We cannot simply assign more manpower to solve problems,” Cooper shared, emphasizing automation’s role in lowering operational expenses and boosting efficiency.

Automation Across Various Teams

NAB’s automation venture commenced with a substantial emphasis on platform security, Linux patch updates, and disaster recovery automation. Gradually, the institution extended this automation program to various departments, including database administration, digital investigations, and cybersecurity. This cross-team collaboration has been crucial in propelling NAB’s IT transformation.

By integrating systems and processes into a cohesive automation framework, NAB has enhanced the efficiency and quality of its offerings, providing advantages for both employees and clients. The outcome? Quicker and more dependable banking services, with yearly savings amounting to millions.

Security-Oriented Approach to Automation

A distinctive feature of NAB’s automation blueprint is its strong focus on security. By linking Ansible with cybersecurity platforms like CyberArk (for managing privileged access) and Hashicorp Vault (for securing cloud operations), NAB has bolstered its capability to handle essential security activities, such as password updates, certificate management, and patching.

“From a security standpoint, automation is about making processes easier, faster, and more dependable,” stated Cooper. This strategy guarantees that security protocols remain intact while alleviating the burden on IT teams.

Event-Driven Automation for Incident Management

NAB is also delving into the prospects of event-driven Ansible, a functionality that facilitates automated incident response and troubleshooting. This enables the bank to resolve issues promptly, enhancing response times and minimizing interruptions. Based on Red Hat’s insights, event-driven automation can dramatically enhance the efficiency of data collection and problem-solving in intricate IT frameworks.

Future Directions: Configuration-as-Code and Policy-as-Code

In looking forward, NAB has set its ambitions on advancing automation capabilities such as configuration-as-code and policy-as-code. These advancements will improve the bank’s proficiency in managing IT changes and incidents. The bank is currently merging policy-as-code functions with its ServiceNow environment, deploying predefined templates to streamline change management workflows.

The Role of Generative AI: Ansible Lightspeed

In line with its automation strategies, NAB is also embracing Red Hat Ansible Lightspeed, integrated with IBM Watsonx Code Assistant, commonly known as ‘Lightspeed’. This generative AI resource supports the creation of Ansible playbooks, easing the coding process and ensuring adherence to best practices.

Cooper pointed out that his team had previously discouraged the use of platforms like ChatGPT for coding insights; however, with Lightspeed, the bank now benefits from a tailored AI assistant specifically designed for Ansible. This development is expected to further boost the efficiency of NAB’s automation initiatives.

Ensuring Quality in Coding

A notable challenge NAB encountered was the need to ensure that its teams were coding accurately within Ansible. The deployment of Lightspeed addresses this by offering AI-enhanced support, aiding developers in creating playbooks that align with the bank’s high standards for coding precision.


NAB continues to spearhead the adoption of automation technologies to refine and secure its IT operations. By utilizing Red Hat Ansible and integrating it with advanced cybersecurity solutions, the bank has enhanced its operational efficiency, security posture, and service dependability. Moreover, NAB is exploring state-of-the-art features such as event-driven Ansible and AI-driven coding assistants to further elevate its automation proficiencies.

Q: What is Red Hat Ansible, and how is NAB utilizing it?


Red Hat Ansible is an infrastructure-as-code tool designed for automating IT processes. NAB employs Ansible to automate tasks like security patch management, disaster recovery, and incident handling, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced manual effort.

Q: What advantages has automation brought to NAB?


Automation has allowed NAB to streamline its operations, enhancing service delivery speed, security measures, and achieving significant cost savings. By consolidating various systems into a single automation framework, the organization has boosted both employee productivity and client satisfaction.

Q: Which cybersecurity tools are linked with NAB’s automation framework?


NAB has connected Red Hat Ansible with tools such as CyberArk for privileged access management and Hashicorp Vault for securing secrets in cloud environments. These connections provide automated and reliable security solutions for tasks like password rotations and certificate oversight.

Q: What is event-driven Ansible, and how does NAB employ it?


Event-driven Ansible enables automation to be activated by certain events, such as incidents or system failures. NAB utilizes this capability to accelerate its incident response, addressing issues in real-time and resolving them as they arise.

Q: What is Ansible Lightspeed, and why is NAB embracing it?


Ansible Lightspeed is a generative AI tool that aids in crafting Ansible playbooks. NAB is incorporating this technology to ensure accurate coding practices among its teams, helping to standardize procedures and minimize errors during playbook development.

Q: What future automation initiatives does NAB envision?


NAB aims to adopt capabilities such as configuration-as-code and policy-as-code, which will further optimize its change management and incident response processes. The bank is also integrating these features with its ServiceNow platform to facilitate automated policy enforcement.

Posted by Nicholas Webb

Nicholas Webb is a Queensland-based Consumer Technology Editor at Techbest focused on connected home and streaming products.

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