Meta and Vodafone Collaborate to Improve Video Streaming and Network Efficiency

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Meta and Vodafone Team Up to Improve Video Streaming and Network Efficiency

Quick Read

  • Meta and Vodafone enhance video streaming to increase network capacity.
  • Worldwide mobile data traffic increased by 25% within a year, primarily due to video content.
  • By the close of 2023, video made up 73% of all mobile traffic.
  • The collaboration seeks to tackle the significant expenses associated with network upgrades that telecom providers encounter.
  • Optimization led to a reduction in Meta’s data traffic on Vodafone’s UK network by a small double-digit percentage.
  • Comparable initiatives are underway with the Spanish telecommunications company Telefonica.
Meta and Vodafone Collaborate to Improve Video Streaming and Network Efficiency

A surge in video traffic is causing network strain.

The increasing popularity of video content on platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube has resulted in a substantial rise in data consumption on mobile networks. Ericsson’s 2024 Mobility Report indicates that worldwide traffic surged by 25 percent during the 12 months preceding the first quarter of 2024, with video content comprising an impressive 73 percent of all mobile traffic by the conclusion of 2023.

Obstacles Faced by Telecommunications Providers

Telecom providers like Vodafone have raised worries about the financial strain of enhancing their networks to handle the growing data usage. They claim that although Big Tech companies gain from these enhancements, they are not paying their fair share of the expenses. Last year, initiatives by the EU to get Big Tech to help fund 5G infrastructure hit a standstill, with minimal prospects of being revived soon.

A Pragmatic Partnership

Vodafone has adopted a “pragmatic approach” in collaborating with Meta to enhance the distribution of video content throughout its European markets. This partnership has resulted in more efficient utilization of existing network resources while maintaining a high-quality viewing experience for users. Alberto Ripepi, Vodafone’s Chief Network Officer, commended Meta’s commitment to improving network efficiency.

Results of the Trial and Upcoming Plans

In a trial carried out in April on Vodafone’s UK network, there was a noticeable reduction in Meta’s data traffic by a low double-digit percentage, which alleviated congestion in high-traffic areas such as shopping malls and transport hubs. Meta’s Vice President of Network Engineering, Gaya Nagarajan, emphasized the company’s dedication to advancing video optimization through collaborations with telecom providers, device makers, and equipment suppliers.

Expanding Collaborative Efforts

Following Vodafone’s lead, Spain’s Telefonica has also revealed its partnership with Meta to enhance video traffic delivery on its networks. These collaborations underscore a rising trend among telecommunications companies to explore innovative solutions that meet the demand for high-quality video streaming while ensuring efficient network management.


The partnership between Meta and Vodafone represents a crucial move towards tackling the issues caused by increasing video traffic on mobile networks. By enhancing video delivery, both firms are collaborating to provide an improved user experience and reduce network stress. This collaboration could become a template for other telecom providers encountering comparable challenges.

What motivated Meta and Vodafone to work together?


The rising demand for video content on platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube has resulted in a substantial increase in data usage on mobile networks. This increased demand has led Meta and Vodafone to work together on improving video delivery to effectively manage network strain.

Q: What effect did the optimization have on Vodafone’s network?


The optimization resulted in a low double-digit decrease in Meta’s data traffic on Vodafone’s UK network during a trial in April. This increased capacity in high-traffic areas like shopping centers and transport hubs.

What importance does Ericsson’s 2024 Mobility Report hold?


Ericsson’s 2024 Mobility Report emphasizes the significant surge in worldwide mobile data traffic, which saw a 25 percent rise over the past year. Additionally, the report observed that video made up 73 percent of all mobile traffic by the close of 2023, highlighting the influence of video usage on network demand.

Why do telecom operators worry about network upgrades?


Telecom providers such as Vodafone are worried about the significant expenses involved in enhancing networks to support the growing data usage. They claim that major technology firms gain from these improvements but do not contribute adequately to the associated costs.

What were the outcomes of the European Union’s initiative for Big Tech to contribute?


The EU’s plan to have major technology firms help fund 5G development encountered setbacks last year. It is unlikely to be reinstated before the year’s end, if it is ever revived.

Q: Are other telecommunications providers partnering with Meta?


Spain’s Telefonica has also revealed its partnership with Meta to enhance the delivery of video traffic on its networks. This indicates an increasing trend among telecom providers who are looking for new methods to manage their networks efficiently.


Posted by Nicholas Webb

Nicholas Webb is a Queensland-based Consumer Technology Editor at Techbest focused on connected home and streaming products.

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