Nicholas Webb, Author at Techbest - Top Tech Reviews In Australia - Page 6 of 9

Indian representatives visit Foxconn’s iPhone production plant.

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Indian authorities examine Foxconn’s employment methods at iPhone production plant.

Indian officials visit Foxconn iPhone plant

Quick Read

  • Labour officials from India visited the Foxconn iPhone manufacturing plant close to Chennai.
  • Investigations ensued after accusations of discriminatory hiring practices against married women.
  • Foxconn asserts that they do not practice discrimination, pointing out that 8% of their female employees are married.
  • Apple and Foxconn admit to shortcomings in their hiring practices in 2022.
  • Discussion ignited in Indian media and political spheres.

Investigation Background

Labour officials from India inspected a Foxconn facility in Southern India this week to probe accusations of discriminatory recruitment practices. This investigation was prompted by a Reuters report alleging that Foxconn deliberately excluded married women from iPhone assembly positions because of family obligations.

Visit Details

A five-member delegation from the regional labour department of the federal government visited the plant located near Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on July 1. They engaged with the directors and human resources officials of the company to gather information and documents, encompassing company policies, recruitment practices, and adherence to labour laws.

“We are gathering data and have requested the company to provide documents such as company policies and recruitment guidelines,” stated A. Narasaiah, the regional labour commissioner. Narasaiah mentioned that Foxconn has 41,281 employees, with 33,360 of them being women, and approximately 8% of these women are married.

Allegations of Discrimination

The Reuters investigation revealed that Foxconn excluded married women from assembly positions due to perceived increased family responsibilities, pregnancy, and higher rates of absenteeism. Nevertheless, during interviews with labor inspectors, married women at the plant did not report any discrimination.

Company Responses

Foxconn and Apple admitted to shortcomings in their hiring procedures in 2022 and stated that they had resolved these problems. Nonetheless, the discriminatory practices reported by Reuters took place in 2023 and 2024, and neither company has publicly responded to them yet.

Foxconn asserted that it “strongly denies accusations of employment discrimination based on marital status, gender, religion, or any other criteria.” Concurrently, Apple highlighted that it performs monthly audits to confirm that all its suppliers maintain high standards.

Legal and Regulatory Framework

Notably, Indian law does not prevent companies from discriminating on the basis of marital status. Nonetheless, Apple and Foxconn have internal regulations that strictly forbid such practices in their supply chains.


The recent visit by Indian labor officials to Foxconn’s iPhone production plant highlights continuous worries about discriminatory hiring practices. Although both Foxconn and Apple have admitted to past shortcomings and asserted that they have made improvements, recent reports suggest these problems remain. This scrutiny signifies an increasing awareness and call for fairness in workplace practices throughout India.

Q&A Section

What initiated the probe into Foxconn’s recruitment methods?


The inquiry was initiated following a Reuters report alleging that Foxconn was methodically preventing married women from obtaining assembly positions at its iPhone production plant in Tamil Nadu.

What did the labor officials discover during their inspection?


The authorities gathered data and paperwork concerning company policies and adherence to labor regulations. Additionally, they spoke with married women at the facility, none of whom reported experiencing discrimination.

How have Apple and Foxconn addressed these claims?


Both corporations admitted to shortcomings in their hiring processes in 2022 and asserted that they had made enhancements. Nevertheless, they have yet to tackle the discriminatory practices reported in 2023 and 2024.

Q: Does Indian legislation forbid discrimination on the grounds of marital status?


No, Indian law does not prevent companies from discriminating based on marital status. Nonetheless, both Apple and Foxconn have implemented internal policies that forbid such practices within their supply chains.


Australian Government Signs $2 Billion Agreement with AWS for Highly Classified Cloud Services

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Australia collaborates with AWS for $2 billion classified cloud services.

Quick Read

  • The government of Australia has entered into a $2 billion agreement with AWS for highly classified cloud services.
  • The ‘TS Cloud’ will boost Australia’s cybersecurity capabilities and strengthen the resilience of Defence communications networks.
  • AWS will collaborate with Australian enterprises to design and construct the TS Cloud.
  • The TS Cloud is an element of the larger REDSPICE program designed to enhance Australia’s cyber security.
  • The project’s goal is to enhance interoperability and cooperation with international intelligence allies, particularly the United States.
Australian government signs AWS to deliver $2bn top-secret cloud

The Importance of the TS Cloud

The Australian government is making a significant investment in the ‘TS Cloud’ to enhance its cyber capabilities. This cloud infrastructure, which will cost a minimum of $2 billion over the next ten years, is vital for the defence and intelligence agencies of the country. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Richard Marles have emphasized that this project will enable the swift and scalable hosting, sharing, and analysis of Australia’s highly classified data.

Advanced Technologies Integration

The TS Cloud will utilize top-tier technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to improve the analytical capabilities of Australia’s defence and intelligence sectors. By integrating these advanced technologies, the government seeks to maintain a competitive edge in cybersecurity and intelligence operations.

Enhancing Defence Communications

One of the primary advantages of the TS Cloud is its capacity to bolster the resilience of Defence’s communication networks. This improvement will guarantee more robust and secure communication channels within Australia’s defence system, ultimately enhancing national security.

Strengthening International Collaborations

The TS Cloud is anticipated to enhance interoperability and foster deeper collaboration with international allies, particularly the United States. This supports Australia’s strategic goals of fortifying alliances and improving collective security measures in an ever more intricate global landscape.

The Function of AWS in Developing the TS Cloud

AWS was selected for this project because of its substantial expertise in classified cloud services and its well-established presence in Australia. The company plans to partner with Australian businesses to design and construct the TS Cloud; however, specific details regarding this collaboration have not yet been revealed.

Assistance from the Australian Signals Directorate and ONI

Rachel Noble, the Director-General of the Australian Signals Directorate, has highlighted the importance of the TS Cloud as a critical element of the REDSPICE program. This program is a $10 billion effort designed to bolster Australia’s cyber security in the coming decade. Andrew Shearer, the Director-General of the Office of National Intelligence (ONI), also endorses the TS Cloud, acknowledging its ability to enhance integration and cooperation among intelligence agencies.

AWS’s Commitment

Dave Levy, the Vice President of AWS’s Worldwide Public Sector, conveyed his excitement regarding the collaboration with the Australian government. He emphasized AWS’s objective to deliver innovative, efficient, and impactful cloud services to strengthen Australia’s national defense capabilities.

Comparison with Initiatives in the US

In the United States, several providers, such as AWS, are developing a comparable top-secret cloud infrastructure. This initiative came after an initial project, which was exclusively granted to Microsoft, was reconsidered. This scenario highlights the worldwide shift towards utilizing cloud technology to bolster national security.


The Australian government has entered into a $2 billion agreement with AWS to provide top-secret cloud services, aiming to significantly boost national security capabilities. This initiative, known as the TS Cloud, will incorporate advanced technologies such as AI and ML, enhance the resilience of Defence communications, and promote increased collaboration with international allies. Backed by major Australian intelligence agencies, this effort is part of a broader strategy to strengthen cyber security through the REDSPICE program.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the objective of the TS Cloud?


The TS Cloud is designed to host, share, and analyze Australia’s most sensitive data quickly and at scale, utilizing advanced technologies like AI and ML to improve national defense capabilities.

Q: What will the price of the TS Cloud be?


The TS Cloud is projected to cost a minimum of $2 billion over the next ten years.

What part will Australian companies have in this project?


AWS intends to collaborate with Australian businesses in the design and construction of the TS Cloud; however, the specific details of their participation have not been clarified yet.

What role does the TS Cloud play in Australia’s comprehensive cyber security plan?


The TS Cloud is an element of the REDSPICE program, a $10 billion initiative designed to enhance Australia’s cybersecurity capabilities over the upcoming ten years.

Q: In what ways will the TS Cloud improve global partnerships?


The TS Cloud will enhance interoperability and foster stronger collaboration with international intelligence allies, especially the United States.

Q: What were the reasons for selecting AWS for this project?


AWS was chosen because of its significant expertise in handling classified cloud services and its strong presence in Australia.


Defense Enlists Contractors for Vital ERP ‘Practice Run’

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Defense Recruits Contractors for Essential ERP ‘Practice Run’

Defense Seeks Expert Guidance for ERP Financial Management System Upgrade

Defence engages contractors for ERP financial management system rehearsal

Quick Read

  • The defense department seeks expert guidance for upgrading its ERP financial management system.
  • Concentrate on data transformations, trial runs, and preparation standards.
  • The ERP project was initiated in 2019 and involves transitioning to SAP S/4HANA in multiple stages.
  • The existing financial system manages a budget of $56 billion and has not been updated in two decades.
  • Expert guidance on accounting and ERP implementation is required to reduce financial risks.
  • An audit criticized the high number of contractors, and key decisions now depend on internal staff.

ERP Upgrade: A Prolonged Initiative

The Department of Defence has entered the concluding phase of its extended ERP upgrade initiative, enlisting contractors to conduct business readiness testing. The emphasis is on the financial management system segment of the ERP implementation. This effort is a component of a broader shift to SAP S/4HANA, which started in 2019.

Revamping the Financial Management System

This year, the department is focusing on tranche “1B,” which involves upgrading the financial management information system. This tranche also encompasses supply chain management, enterprise asset management, purchasing, finance, and human resources. The existing financial system, which hasn’t been updated in twenty years, supports operations for a complex $56 billion budget.

Call for Contractors

A Defense spokesperson disclosed that they are seeking contractors for “business readiness” tasks. These tasks comprise data conversions, practice operations, and establishing readiness criteria for go-live decisions. The aim is to ensure that all financial risks are mitigated to a high standard.

Specialist Advice Needed

According to Defense, implementing the ERP system requires considerable technical skills. Therefore, they seek consultants to collaborate with Defense CFO Steven Groves to enhance business preparedness and mitigate financial risks to acceptable levels.

Addressing Audit Criticism

The choice to seek external assistance comes three years after an audit criticized the extensive reliance on contractors at all levels of the ERP program. The department has promised that crucial decisions regarding the project will stay with internal employees to reduce any risks linked to contractor dependency.


The Department of Defence’s ERP upgrade project is designed to bring its financial management system up to date, after two decades without updates. To facilitate a smooth transition, the Defence Department is hiring contractors to conduct business readiness testing, with an emphasis on data conversions and other essential tasks. Although there have been past criticisms about the use of contractors, the department maintains that core decisions are controlled by its internal team.


What is the primary objective of the ongoing ERP enhancement?


The primary objective is to enhance the financial management information system under tranche “1B.” This encompasses supply chain management, enterprise asset management, procurement, finance, and core human resources.

Why is expert consultation being pursued for this project?


Expert guidance is essential for thoroughly addressing all financial risks and for preparing for business readiness activities such as data conversions and dress rehearsals.

How long has the present financial system been operational?


The existing financial system has been operational for two decades and manages activities for a budget of $56 billion.

Q: What are some of the critiques associated with using contractors?


An audit found fault with the widespread reliance on contractors at all levels of the ERP program. The department now guarantees that primary decisions are handled by internal staff.

Q: Can you explain what SAP S/4HANA is?


SAP S/4HANA is a unified enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that utilizes in-memory computing to handle vast quantities of data rapidly and effectively.

What does tranche “1B” refer to?


The term “Tranche 1B” pertains to the emphasis for this year’s Defence ERP upgrade, which encompasses financial management information systems, supply chain management, enterprise asset management, purchasing, finance, and foundational human resources.


Telstra and Optus End Agreements with Google for Search Services

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Telstra and Optus Terminate Google Search Contracts

Telstra and Optus Terminate Google Search Contracts

Telstra and Optus unwind Google search agreements

Quick Read

  • Telstra and Optus have ended their agreements with Google.
  • These agreements involved pre-installing Google’s search services on Android devices.
  • The investigation that resulted in this change was started by the ACCC.
  • The objective of the decision is to improve consumer options and boost market competition.
  • Google Search holds a leading 98% market share in Australia.
  • The ACCC’s inquiry into digital platforms is set to publish its ninth report in March 2025.

Termination Background

Telstra and Optus have chosen not to renew or form new contracts with Google for pre-installing its search services on Android devices. This choice follows an inquiry by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). The previous agreements expired at the end of last month.

The ACCC’s Role

The ACCC began the investigation as a part of its continuous digital platform services inquiry. The ACCC stated that Telstra and Optus had been engaging in these agreements with Google since at least 2017. The commission contended that these arrangements restricted the capacity for competing search engines to be pre-installed and promoted on Android devices, ultimately impacting consumer choice and innovation.

Implications for Consumers

The ACCC has agreed to enforceable commitments from both Telstra and Optus. These commitments are anticipated to give Australian consumers a wider range of options concerning digital platforms and services they utilize. Furthermore, it seeks to promote increased competition within these markets.

“Engaging in practices like forming agreements to guarantee exclusivity can restrict consumer options or hinder innovation,” stated ACCC commissioner Liza Carver.

Market Dynamics

Even after this change, Google Search continues to dominate the Australian market, maintaining a steady 98% market share from September 2021 to February 2024. Alternative search engines, such as Microsoft’s Bing, have only a minimal presence. This dominance has led to concerns among regulators about the suppression of competition and innovation.

The Broad Digital Platforms Investigation

The ACCC’s investigation into digital platforms has explored different facets of the technology behind social media platforms and their possible negative effects. To date, multiple reports have been generated on these topics. The ninth report from this investigation is anticipated to be published in March 2025 and may offer additional recommendations to promote fair competition in digital markets.

For additional information on similar reports from the ACCC, check out TechBest’s piece on data transparency for major platforms: Data Transparency for Major Platforms.


Telstra and Optus have decided to end their long-term agreements with Google to pre-install its search services on Android devices. This change comes after an ACCC investigation aimed at promoting more consumer choices and competition within the market. While Google still leads the Australian search engine market, this shift could offer opportunities for competing search engines to establish themselves. The ACCC will carry on with its digital platforms inquiry, with the next significant report scheduled for March 2025.

Q&A Session

Why did Telstra and Optus end their agreements with Google?


The discontinuation came after an ACCC investigation revealed that these agreements restricted consumer choice and hindered competition by stopping competing search engines from being pre-installed on Android devices.

Q: How will this affect consumers in Australia?


This decision aims to give consumers more options for the search engines they can use on their devices, which could lead to increased competition and innovation in the market.

How prevalent is Google Search in Australia?


As of February 2024, Google Search commands a remarkable 98% market share in Australia, showcasing its substantial dominance over other search engines such as Bing.

Q: What is the digital platforms inquiry conducted by the ACCC?


The ACCC’s inquiry into digital platforms explores different facets of technology utilized by social media channels and other online services, zeroing in on topics such as market competition and consumer protection. The inquiry is set to publish its ninth report in March 2025.

What might be the potential long-term consequences of this action?


If successful, this initiative could create a more competitive market, allowing alternative search engines to flourish and provide enhanced services and innovations to consumers.


UE Boom Durable Outdoor Speakers Receive USB-C Update and Environmentally Conscious Redesign

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UE Boom’s Rugged Outdoor Speakers Now Feature USB-C and an Eco-Friendly Design Overhaul

UE Boom Rugged Outdoor Speakers Get USB-C Upgrade and Eco-Friendly Makeover

Quick Read

  • UE Boom speakers are now equipped with USB-C ports to facilitate faster and more efficient charging.
  • The newest models incorporate environmentally friendly materials.
  • The UE BOOM app has a Megaphone feature that enables users to project their voice using the speaker.
  • Possible misuse of the Megaphone feature in public areas.

USB-C Upgrade

Ultimate Ears (UE) has enhanced its well-liked Boom outdoor speakers by equipping them with USB-C ports, improving the charging experience. This contemporary connector takes the place of the outdated Micro-USB, offering quicker charging times and increased convenience for users. The USB-C connector is recognized for its reversible design, simplifying the process of plugging it in, even in dim lighting.

Eco-Friendly Makeover

To minimize environmental impact, UE has used eco-friendly materials in the design of its latest Boom speakers. These materials consist of recycled plastics and sustainable fabrics, reflecting global trends in eco-friendly technology products. This strategy aims to attract environmentally aware consumers.

New Megaphone Feature

The new Megaphone feature in the UE BOOM app converts compatible speakers into voice amplifiers. By tapping a button in the app and speaking into their phone, users can project their voice through the speaker. While perfect for gatherings and outdoor events, this feature may also be misused in public areas, potentially causing disturbances.

Availability and Compatibility

The latest features are accessible on all speakers that are compatible with the UE BOOM app. This pertains to both current models via a software upgrade and newly launched speakers that have these features already installed.


Ultimate Ears has substantially upgraded their Boom series of durable outdoor speakers by integrating USB-C charging ports and utilizing sustainable materials. Furthermore, the addition of the Megaphone feature through the UE BOOM app offers a distinct method to amplify your voice, despite possible drawbacks in public environments.

Q&A Section

What is the primary benefit of transitioning to USB-C for UE Boom speakers?

The main benefit is quicker and more efficient charging, coupled with the ease of a reversible plug.

What sustainable materials are incorporated in the latest UE Boom speakers?

The latest models include recycled plastics and eco-friendly fabrics.

Q: Can you explain how the Megaphone feature functions?

Users have the option to enable the Megaphone feature by tapping a button within the UE BOOM app and speaking into their phone, after which their voice is broadcasted through the speaker.

Q: Are there any issues associated with the Megaphone feature?

A: Yes, there is a possibility of improper use in public areas, which might cause disruptions.

Q: Can the Megaphone feature be used on all UE Boom speakers?

The feature is accessible on all speakers compatible with the UE BOOM app, available via a software update for existing models and pre-installed on new ones.

Q: Is the USB-C upgrade available for previous versions of UE Boom speakers?

A: No, older models won’t get a hardware upgrade to USB-C, but they can still take advantage of software updates such as the Megaphone feature.

Question: In what ways does the shift towards sustainable materials correspond with contemporary trends?

The adoption of recycled and sustainable materials is in line with global trends favoring environmental sustainability and attracts eco-conscious consumers.

To stay informed about the latest tech products and innovations, check out TechBest.


Hackers Infiltrate Microsoft: Customer Emails Exposed

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Microsoft Security Incident: User Emails Exposed

Quick Read

  • Russian hackers breached Microsoft’s systems and gained access to customer emails.
  • Microsoft revealed that the breach took place approximately six months ago.
  • The breach has resulted in heightened regulatory examination of Microsoft’s security measures.
  • A purported Chinese hacking group had earlier broken into Microsoft, aiming at emails from the US government.
  • Microsoft is actively informing impacted customers and distributing compromised emails.
  • The company is revamping its security procedures in response to the breaches.
Microsoft informs customers that hackers spied on emails

Summary of the Security Violation

Earlier this year, Russian hackers who breached Microsoft’s systems not only monitored employee inboxes but also exfiltrated emails from customers. This incident, revealed roughly six months after it first took place, has subjected Microsoft to heightened regulatory inspection.

Regulatory Scrutiny

The extensive nature of the breach has led regulators to worry about the safety of Microsoft’s software and systems in relation to foreign threats. This event comes after a different breach attributed to a purported Chinese hacking group last year, which resulted in the compromise of thousands of US government emails.

Information About the Breach

The Russian authorities have yet to address the hacking accusations, but Microsoft has reported that the hackers aimed at cybersecurity researchers examining the group’s actions. Microsoft has been alerting clients whose emails were breached by the Midnight Blizzard threat actor.

Customer Notifications

Microsoft is still providing updates on compromised emails to the affected customers. While it hasn’t revealed the total number of impacted customers or the amount of stolen emails, the company remains dedicated to maintaining transparency as the investigation goes on.

Ongoing Security Concerns

In January, Microsoft disclosed that Midnight Blizzard had infiltrated a minor portion of its corporate email accounts. Despite ongoing efforts to fortify its systems, the hackers persisted in their intrusion attempts, raising concerns among security experts and customers.

Microsoft’s Response

Due to the ongoing security violations, including the Chinese cyberattack from the previous year, there was a Congressional hearing in which Microsoft President Brad Smith announced that the company is revamping its security protocols to avert future breaches.


The latest breaches at Microsoft by hackers from Russia and China have revealed major weaknesses in the company’s security framework. As Microsoft undergoes regulatory investigation and strives to improve its security measures, impacted customers are being informed and provided with access to their affected emails. This incident highlights the escalating necessity for strong cybersecurity practices as the world becomes more digital.

Can you explain the details of the incident involving the Microsoft security breach?

Russian hackers breached Microsoft’s systems, gaining access to employee and customer emails. The incident was revealed approximately six months after it took place.

How many customers were impacted by the breach?

Microsoft has yet to reveal the specific number of customers affected or the amount of emails stolen, but they are in the process of informing those affected.

Q: Can you explain what Midnight Blizzard is?

The Russian hacking group known as Midnight Blizzard is behind the breach of Microsoft’s systems, leading to the compromise of customer emails.

Q: Has Microsoft responded to the breach in any way?

A: Yes, Microsoft is in the process of revamping its security procedures and has been informing impacted customers about the breached emails.

Q: What additional data breaches has Microsoft encountered lately?

Furthermore, an alleged Chinese hacking group infiltrated Microsoft last year, compromising thousands of US government emails, in addition to the Russian cyberattack.

Q: What effect has this breach had on Microsoft’s reputation?

The breach has subjected Microsoft to heightened regulatory examination and sparked concerns among its security peers and customers regarding the susceptibility of its systems.

The ATO to Obtain Daily Medicare Information for Improved Levy Exemption Monitoring

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The ATO to Obtain Daily Medicare Information for Improved Levy Exemption Monitoring

Quick Read

  • The ATO will transition from receiving data biannually to daily data ingestion from Services Australia beginning next month.
  • The goal of the initiative is to speed up the processing of Medicare levy exemption claims.
  • This modification is a component of the “specified benefits and entitlements data-matching initiative” that was first introduced in 2016-17.
  • During the 2021-22 period, data-matching verified 99% of Medicare Exemption Statements (MES).
  • The ATO expects to handle approximately 180,000 MES checks each year.
  • Ingesting data on a daily basis will tackle inefficiencies arising from exemption claims made at various times during the financial year.

Transitioning to Daily Data Ingestion

Starting next month, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will change from receiving data from Services Australia twice a year to a daily basis. This move is intended to speed up the processing of returns involving claims for Medicare levy and surcharge exemptions. The data is vital for the ATO’s discrepancy detection models, which analysts use to confirm the validity of exemption claims.

Qualifications and Requests for Exemptions

Individuals who were not eligible for Medicare for the entire financial year may request an exemption from the Medicare levy, as stated on the Services Australia website. This exemption applies to certain citizens, permanent residents, New Zealanders, and specific visa holders, particularly those who have not applied for permanent residency or are not covered by Medicare under their country’s reciprocal healthcare agreement.

Benefits of Collecting Data Daily

An ATO representative informed TechBest that gathering data daily would enhance client services by allowing more prompt processing of Medicare levy exemption claims. The ATO originally introduced the “specified benefits and entitlements data-matching program” in the 2016-17 financial year. As an example, during the 2021-22 period, 133,151 individuals had an MES, with 99% being verified through data-matching.

Expected Growth in Data Volume

The ATO anticipates a significant increase in the number of checks to be conducted—approximately 180,000 each year—highlighting the growing importance of daily access to MES data. The projected data population has increased due to the rise in temporary residents and their awareness of their eligibility for an MES.

Enhancing Data Precision and Processing Efficiency

Modifying the discrepancy detection models to receive daily MES data will also address inefficiencies arising from exemption claims made at varying times during the financial year. For instance, a claim for the 2022-23 financial year can be submitted within the 2023-24 and 2024-25 financial years. The ATO has revised its collection process to enhance the timeliness of information for validation, consequently reducing the need to reach out to taxpayers.

Additional Data-Matching Initiatives by the ATO

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website identifies 26 active data-matching programs with different purposes, data ingestion intervals, data retention durations, data sources, and timeframes for the external records. For example, a recently renewed initiative focuses on landlords who fail to declare or underreport rental income and operates on a biannual basis. The majority of the ATO’s discrepancy detection systems involve data-sharing agreements with other government agencies, but some also include private sector collaborators such as Tyro Payments, Westpac, and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA).


The Australian Taxation Office’s initiative to transition to daily data collection from Services Australia intends to greatly improve the accuracy and efficiency of processing Medicare levy exemption claims. This adjustment is part of a larger strategy that includes various data-matching programs aimed at ensuring compliance and simplifying tax-related procedures.


Why is the ATO transitioning to daily data ingestion?

The ATO seeks to enhance both the speed and precision of processing Medicare levy exemption claims by accessing more current information.

Who is eligible to request an exemption from the Medicare levy?

Individuals who are not eligible for Medicare for the entire financial year may include certain citizens, permanent residents, New Zealanders, and holders of specific visas.

How successful was the former twice-yearly system?

In the 2021-22 period, 99% of Medicare Exemption Statements (MES) were confirmed through biannual data-matching. Nonetheless, the anticipated implementation of daily data collection could improve efficiency even more.

Q: What is the expected annual number of MES checks that the ATO plans to process?

The ATO expects to handle approximately 180,000 MES checks annually.

What other data-matching programs are operated by the ATO?

The ATO runs 26 active data-matching programs that involve diverse use cases, ingestion frequencies, and third-party data providers. These programs target landlords who underreport their rental income and include collaborations with financial institutions to match credit and debit card data.

This article, styled like a magazine piece, offers a comprehensive examination of the Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO) new effort to shift from biannual to daily data intake from Services Australia. It features a Quick Read segment that highlights the main points for readers and adheres to search engine optimisation best practices, including suitable headings and well-organized content.

Aussie Broadband Review: Above Average Service With Occasional Connectivity Problems

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Comprehensive In-Depth Review of Aussie Broadband

Aussie Broadband: 4.0 / 5.0 Stars
Average Price: $100 – 300 Monthly


Aussie Broadband is acclaimed within the Australian ISP market for its commitment to customer satisfaction and service quality. This extended review delves into customer experiences to offer a detailed evaluation of the provider’s services.

Aussie Broadband Pros and Cons


  • Excellent Customer Service: “Exceptional customer service, always ready to help”.
  • Consistent and Reliable Service: “Reliable service with minimal disruptions”.
  • No Lock-In Contracts: Customers appreciate the flexibility to change plans or providers without penalties, enhancing customer satisfaction and convenience.
  • Transparent Pricing: Aussie Broadband is noted for its straightforward pricing with no hidden fees, which helps customers manage their budgets effectively.
  • Environmentally Conscious: The company has initiatives aimed at reducing its carbon footprint, appealing to environmentally aware consumers.


  • Higher Price Points: “Prices are higher than some other services, but you get what you pay for”.
  • Occasional Service Interruptions: “Experienced a few dropouts, though they were quickly addressed”.
  • Limited International Reach: Some users have reported slower speeds when accessing international content, which can be a drawback for users who frequently stream or download from overseas servers.
  • Installation Delays: A few customers have experienced delays in the initial setup, particularly in regions where infrastructure work is required.
  • Variability in Peak Performance: During peak hours, some customers have reported a noticeable drop in performance, which can be frustrating for users with high-demand usage patterns during these times.

Aussie Broadband History

Aussie Broadband began as a regional telecommunications project in 2008, emerging from the merger of Wideband Networks and Westvic Broadband, both established in the early 2000s. The company, known for its focus on customer service and technical excellence, quickly expanded beyond its regional roots. By the time the National Broadband Network (NBN) rolled out, Aussie Broadband was well-positioned to grow, becoming a major ISP nationally. It is praised for its transparent business practices and has received accolades for its services and workplace culture. The company went public in 2020, listing on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

Service Offerings

Aussie Broadband caters to a wide audience with a variety of NBN plans. Customers appreciate the transparent pricing and the absence of long-term contracts, which adds flexibility and control over their internet services. For instance, one customer highlighted, “The plan options are clear and fit well with what I need without any hidden costs”, reflecting the straightforward and customer-friendly approach of their service offerings.

Customer Service

Customer service at Aussie Broadband is frequently lauded for being prompt and effective. Reviews often cite experiences where issues were resolved quickly by knowledgeable and courteous staff. A notable customer comment: “Customer service was prompt and solved my issue on the first call”, underscores the provider’s strength in support and customer care.

Performance and Reliability

While Aussie Broadband is generally praised for its reliable service, some customers have noted occasional performance issues during peak times. However, the provider’s proactive approach in upgrading its network infrastructure in response to such feedback is well documented. “Generally good speeds but some evening slowdowns”, indicates typical user experiences.

User Experience

The process of setting up and managing Aussie Broadband services is often described as seamless. Customers find the installation process easy, supported by helpful guides and a responsive customer service team. “Setup was quick and easy with helpful guides from the support team”, exemplifies the positive user experience.

Value for Money

Though priced higher than some competitors, Aussie Broadband is perceived as providing good value due to the quality of its services and support. “It’s worth paying a bit more for reliable service and exceptional support”, suggests that many customers see the expense as justified by the benefits they receive.


Aussie Broadband stands out as a top choice for Australian consumers who value dependable internet service and outstanding customer support. The provider continues to invest in network improvements and customer service, ensuring a high level of satisfaction among its users.

Appendices and Additional Resources

For more detailed information on Aussie Broadband’s offerings, additional customer testimonials, and technical support insights, prospective customers can visit their official website or check other consumer review platforms.

Sennheiser 450bt Headphones Review: Good But Could Have Been Better

We independently review everything we recommend. When you buy through our links, we may earn a commission which is paid directly to our Australia-based writers, editors, and support staff. Thank you for your support!

Sennheiser 450bt Headphones deliver good sound quality, but aren’t comfortable enough as they lack spacious earcups for a wide audience. These noise-cancelling headphones do a good job of reducing ambient noise, but not as well as their big brother, the Sennheiser PXC 550-II.

This article is updated for the Australian market regularly to include price changes and product updates.

Sennheiser 450bt Headphones: $216 at →

Sennheiser 450bt Headphones Review
Sennheiser 450bt Headphones Review

Does The Job

Good ANC headphones can usually cost a lot, but the Sennheiser 450bt does the job for just $216. Battery life is good enough for many round trips, but with ANC it’s no easy task. Still, the 450bt is an affordable noise-cancelling headset. Let’s see if the price can tolerate its shortcomings. 

PRO: Sound Quality & Battery Life

  • The Sennheiser 450bt Headphones offer great sound quality with a well-balanced bass production and a clear sound reproduction.
  • If you are a fan of road trips and traveling, the Sennheiser 450bt Headphones will be an excellent choice for you. The Sennheiser 450bt Headphones offer up to 30 hours of playback on a single charge.

PRO: Portable Design & Reliable Connection

  • With Bluetooth 5, the Sennheiser 450bt Headphones can seamlessly pair for a reliable wireless connection with your devices.
  • Portable design makes it easier to carry the headphones around.

CON: No Fast Charging & Poor Microphone

  • When the battery runs out, you can easily charge it using the included USB-C cable. But there is no fast charging, so it should take 2 hours to fully charge the headphones. 
  • The build-in mic performance is sufficient for voice calls, but it may not meet the expectations of users who demand high sound quality for voice recording, online games, etc. 
Sennheiser 450bt Headphones Review
Sennheiser 450bt Headphones Review

CON: Limited Controls & Uncomfortable Fit

  • Limited controls with only basic functions like play/pause and volume control available.
  • The oval earcups are ergonomically shaped, but average to above-average ears unfortunately seem to not sit comfortably. Some users report that the Sennheiser 450bt headphones are more on-ear than over-ear. 

Where to buy the Sennheiser 450bt Headphones in Australia

Overall, the Sennheiser HD 450BT are very impressive, especially in terms of sound. Its balanced profile should satisfy both audiophiles and bass hunters.

Battery life and connectivity are both great, and the ANC works reasonably well, but you’ll find that these headphones don’t completely block out all external noise. 

If you are a gamer or a content creator and value comfort and mic quality you might want to look for alternatives but if you need a good pair for your travels the Sennheiser 450bt Headphones should be a solid choice with the exception of no fast charging.


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Garmin Fenix 6 Pro Review: A Performance-Focused Upgrade

We independently review everything we recommend. When you buy through our links, we may earn a commission which is paid directly to our Australia-based writers, editors, and support staff. Thank you for your support!

The Garmin Fenix ​​6, if not the best multisport smartwatch money can buy, offers performance and adventure tracking, offering GPS-based mapping for just about any outdoor activity imaginable. However, it has its drawbacks. It comes with a hefty price tag that puts most people off.

This article is updated for the Australian market regularly to include price changes and product updates.

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Garmin Fenix 6 Pro: $648 at →

Garmin Fenix 6 Pro Review
Garmin Fenix 6 Pro Review

Train Harder And Race Smarter

Garmin’s Fenix ​​6 series launch made me feel both excited and confused. Excited because of the sports features updates which makes the watches more impressive. On the other hand, confused because there are 19 new watches to choose from, with some of them not even including previous model features.

For simplicity’s sake, it’s best to think of the new Fenix ​​6 series Pro watches as successors to the Fenix ​​5 Plus series.

PRO: Design

  • Durability – The Fenix 6 Pro is built with a durable stainless steel bezel. This is a scratch-resistant sapphire lens, and a silicone or nylon strap that can withstand the toughest outdoor conditions.
  • GPS and Navigation – With GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo satellite systems, the Fenix 6 Pro provides accurate location tracking and navigation. It also comes with preloaded topographic maps, ski maps, and golf course maps.

PRO: Features & Battery Life

  • Fitness and Health – The Fenix 6 Pro has a wide range of fitness tracking features. Heart rate monitoring, VO2 max, training load, recovery time, and sleep tracking are the main ones. It also has a Pulse Ox sensor for altitude acclimation and a Body Battery feature that tells you when to rest or when to push yourself.
  • Battery Life – The Fenix 6 Pro has an impressive battery life of up to 14 days in smartwatch mode, up to 10 hours in GPS mode with music, and up to 36 hours in GPS mode without music.

CON: Size & Price

  • Size and Weight: The Fenix 6 Pro is a bulky and heavy watch.
  • Price: The Fenix 6 Pro is one of the most expensive GPS smartwatches on the market.
Garmin Fenix 6 Pro Review
Garmin Fenix 6 Pro Review

CON: UI & Ecosystem

  • User Interface: The Fenix 6 Pro has a complex and overwhelming user interface.
  • Limited App Ecosystem: The Fenix 6 Pro runs on Garmin’s proprietary operating system, which has a limited number of third-party apps compared to other smartwatches.

Where to buy the Garmin Fenix 6 Pro in Australia

Overall, the Garmin Fenix 6 Pro is a high-end GPS smartwatch that is designed for outdoor adventurers and fitness enthusiasts who demand the best features and durability. While it comes with a hefty price tag, its impressive battery life, accurate GPS and fitness tracking, and rugged design make it a worthwhile investment for serious athletes and outdoor enthusiasts.


Please use the above link if you intend to make a purchase. You’ll get the lowest price, and help support our Australia-based staff of writers, editors, and photographers.

$648 at – free 2-day delivery for Prime members

If you enjoyed reading our Garmin Fenix 6 Pro review, please consider sharing our content on your preferred social media platforms. TechBest provides the latest gadget reviews, deals, and news from our Australia editorial desk.