US Progressives Demand Antitrust Investigation of Nvidia

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Brief Overview

  • Progressive organizations in the US, along with Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, have called on the US Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate Nvidia due to competition issues.
  • Nvidia commands a significant share of the AI chip market, controlling approximately 80% of it.
  • There are worries regarding Nvidia’s practice of bundling software with hardware, which may hinder innovation and create customer lock-in.
  • Due to surging demand for AI-enabled chips, Nvidia’s market capitalization has risen to US$3 trillion ($4.6 trillion).
  • The DOJ has been tasked to monitor possible antitrust investigations concerning Nvidia.
  • Nvidia claims its dedication to compliance and transparency within the marketplace.

Progressives Advocate for Nvidia Antitrust Inquiry

US progressive organizations and Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren have urged the US Department of Justice (DOJ) to examine Nvidia, citing concerns surrounding the company’s leading role in the AI chip market. Nvidia’s market cap has skyrocketed to US$3 trillion ($4.6 trillion) amidst strong demand for chips capable of powering complex generative AI applications.

US Progressives Demand Antitrust Investigation of Nvidia

Worries Regarding Market Supremacy

The correspondence, authored by Demand Progress along with nine other organizations, requested DOJ antitrust head Jonathan Kanter to investigate Nvidia’s corporate conduct. The groups have raised concerns about Nvidia’s bundling of software and hardware—a tactic previously identified by French antitrust regulators as potentially anti-competitive. They argue that this strategy can secure customer loyalty and inhibit innovation, which conflicts with industry standards for cooperation and interoperability.

Regulatory Developments

In June, Reuters reported that US authorities had instructed the DOJ to supervise potential antitrust investigations into Nvidia while the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) concentrates on Microsoft and OpenAI. Nvidia has claimed that it has poured billions into developing AI-capable computing technologies and is committed to fostering new markets and avenues for growth.

Nvidia’s Competitive Standing

Nvidia captures approximately 80% of the AI chip sector, including bespoke AI processors developed by cloud service firms like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon. These chips are usually leased through each provider and not sold directly. When considering only cloud providers’ chips, Nvidia’s portion of the market is nearly 100%, enabling the company to record gross margins ranging from 70% to 80%.

Political and Economic Apprehensions

Senator Elizabeth Warren has expressed significant concerns regarding Nvidia’s market dominance, cautioning that permitting an individual firm to control the global AI future entails considerable economic risks. According to Kanter, DOJ antitrust officials are particularly wary of market bottlenecks that could be utilized to exclude competitors.


Progressive groups in the US and Senator Elizabeth Warren are advocating for an antitrust investigation into Nvidia due to its prevailing position in the AI chip industry. Concerns have been raised about Nvidia’s bundling strategies, which critics argue contribute to customer lock-in and inhibit innovation. The DOJ has been assigned to manage possible antitrust investigations, while Nvidia asserts its dedication to an open market and compliance with regulations.

Q: What is the main issue raised by US progressives and Senator Elizabeth Warren?

A: The main issue is Nvidia’s dominant role in the AI chip market and its business strategies, such as combining software and hardware, which may lead to customer lock-in and hinder innovation.

Q: What portion of the AI chip market does Nvidia control?

A: Nvidia controls around 80% of the AI chip market. Without including custom AI processors produced by cloud service companies, Nvidia’s market share nears almost 100%.

Q: What measures have US regulators taken thus far?

A: US regulators have instructed the DOJ to monitor potential antitrust investigations into Nvidia, while the FTC is concentrating on entities like Microsoft and OpenAI.

Q: How has Nvidia responded to these allegations?

A: Nvidia has claimed it has invested billions in advancing AI-capable computing technologies and is dedicated to expanding new markets and growth opportunities, asserting its commitment to legal compliance and market transparency.

Q: What economic dangers has Senator Warren highlighted?

A: Senator Warren pointed out that if a single company serves as the gatekeeper to the global AI future, it could present significant economic dangers, potentially suppressing competition and innovation.

Q: What might result from an antitrust inquiry into Nvidia?

A: Possible results could include regulatory actions aimed at enhancing market competition, enforcing adherence to antitrust regulations, and ensuring equitable business practices.


Posted by Nicholas Webb

Nicholas Webb is a Queensland-based Consumer Technology Editor at Techbest focused on connected home and streaming products.

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